Page 29 of Savage for You
Atlas: Damn, I haven’t been there since we were younger.
Me: Same.
Atlas: With who?
Me: uhm…
Atlas: Monti? Who? A boy?
Me: yep.
Atlas: I want to meet him.
Me: No, not yet. Love you byeeee.
“Sorry about that, it was my uncle checking on me.”
“Are you two close?”
“We are,” I nod and add, ”He’s not married, but he’s married to his work. He’s the one who taught me how to play beer pong.”
We grab the pictures from the photo booth and since it’s getting late, the fireworks are about to start. He takes my hand to go to a place where we can watch the show.
“I love fireworks, they’re so beautiful. They bring such beauty to darkness,” I say while looking up.
I look over as Rocky says, “They sure are.” But he’s looking at me.
I never knew someone could make you feel things when you haven’t known them for long. My mom said that I will meet someone one day who will make me feel like a queen. I thought that was Dylan, but here, right now, and all the good days I’ve had, I don’t want to dwell on the negative. Rocky has made me feel wanted and not like a burden.
I hate being pessimistic about relationships, but how can anyone blame me? The two people who I grew up with burned me to my core. I know my parents wouldn’t want me to view love or relationships like this. I want to be more open to it, but when a guy breaks your heart, you turn to your best friend. Who do I turn to if he breaks my heart?
After the fireworks, we head back to my place and watch Beaches. It was my favorite movie to watch with my mom. It’s the perfect way to end the day that changed my life.
And you know what? I deserve a man like Rocky. He has shown more effort than Dylan ever did. This man has not only been telling me, but also, he has been showing me that I’m his. What the fuck is holding me back?
Okay, so Dylan betrayed my trust. He did something that I thought would have crushed me. But I refuse to live in fear. I deserve to be happy and treated well. I'm not the kind of woman to sit back and worry about getting hurt again. I’m intelligent, beautiful, and most importantly, I’m loving. Anyone would be fortunate to have me in their life. Even though I lost my parents and I'm not sure if I'll ever fully heal from that, it just proves to me that life is too short to let this amazing man slip away. I'll let him know that my trust has been shaken but not shattered, and if he can work with me on that, I'll stop trying to push him away.
Snuggling up with him, pushing all the negative thoughts and the what if’s away, I fall asleep on his chest to the rhythmic beating of his heart.
Practice has been brutal for the last few weeks. We have our first game at the end of this month, and we have been having two-a-days. I’m so tired by the end of each day that I’ve barely been able to see Montana. I’m just finishing up with practice when Addison walks over with a smile on her face.
“Hey, Rocky! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, it's been crazy with practice and getting ready for the season.”
“I have a feeling we’ll go far this year. I think you’ll bring the team victory.”
“Well, it's a team sport. I wouldn’t be able to do it without them.”
“Umm, would you be able to come over tonight and help me put together my bookshelf? My dad was supposed to come but he can’t anymore,” she asks.
“Umm, sure, I can help you out.”