Page 30 of Savage for You
“Great, I’ll see you at my place?”
“Yup. Imma go to the locker room to change, and then I’ll head over.”
“Perfect. See you soon.” And she smiles and takes off to the other cheerleaders.
I don’t notice the guys looking at us while we were talking. I look over, and Talon has his arms folded over his chest. What the fuck did I do?
I walk over to them, and Xander is the first to talk.
“What was that about?” He nods his head towards where Addison went.
“She needs help putting together her bookshelf, so she asked if I could help.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to understand what the big deal is. At this point, Talon still hasn’t said anything and won’t look at me. I’m starting to get pissed because I don’t know what his deal is.
“Yo, Loyal, you got something to say?”
“Nope. I already told you. You hurt my cousin, and I’m beating your ass ten ways to Sunday,” he says nonchalantly, then turns to walk away from us.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Are you that dense or are you playing dumb?” Xander asks.
“Bro, what’s the big fucking deal? I’m going to help a friend out.”
“Yeah, a friend who wants to suck your dick,” he scoffs. “Look, Rocky, we have been friends since we were in high school. I’ve never been one to sugar coat shit for you, so the fact that you can’t see how much that girl likes you is insane to me. Addison has never made it a secret that she wants you, and I just can't believe you don’t see it, when Talon—who just moved here, by the way—can. I’m sure Monti sees it too.”
I’m looking at him like he has two heads. Addison and I are friends. Just friends, so I don’t know what the big deal is. I’ve never hooked up with her. I don’t see her like that at all. She’s nice and doesn’t treat me like most people do because of what I do, or who I am.
I roll my eyes at him and say, “Dude, it's not like that at all. She’s just a friend.”
Talon comes back, and I hear him scoff. “Right, and the sky is red, but what do we know, right, Xander?” he asks while shaking his head.
“Dude, I like Montana. I don’t like Addison in that way. She’s just a friend, and I don’t think she sees me that way.”
Talon, Xander and Kellen all laugh.
“You’re an even bigger idiot than we thought,” Xander says.
“Whatever. You three are crazy if you think I want her.”
“It’s not you that we’re worried about,” Talon says. Then adds, “I haven’t even been here long, and I see that she wants you, bro. If I can see it, Montana can too.”
“She has nothing to worry about.” I’m starting to get pissed the fuck off.
“Okay, whatever you say,” he replies as he walks out of the locker room.
I pull out my phone and see a text from Montana.
Killer: Hey Savage.
Me: Hey Killer, what are you up to?
Killer: I’m just about to eat and maybe watch a documentary on Richard Ramirez. You?
Me: You and your serial killer documentaries lol, and Addison asked if I would go help her build a bookshelf.
Killer: Oh. Ok.
Me: You okay?