Page 35 of Savage for You
Me: Ok! Give me an hour.
Autumn: See you then
“Autumn, you can tell me to go squat in a cactus patch if you want, but do you go to therapy?
“No.” She almost whispers it.
“I know we haven't known each other for long, but I consider you a friend and I think you should consider going.”
“Yeah, my family has been trying to tell me to go, but I didn’t think I needed it.”
“Look, I'm going to be honest with you. You are beautiful but because of the shit that happened to you in the past, you don't see what I do. You won't ever be able to let anyone in or trust them if you don’t. Growing up, I was bullied too, but I’ve always loved my curves. It’s good to go, but only when you are ready.”
She bites her lip. “Will you help me find a therapist?”
“Of course. I know a great one. Let’s go to the bookstore and get some more smutty books and find our newest book boyfriend.” I wiggle my eyebrows and shimmy a little dance.
She laughs as we walk inside the store.
As we’re browsing the books, I stop when I see one that I’d like. The back says it’s about a single dad, who’s also a cowboy, and has to hire a nanny he “hates.” As I’m flipping through the book, I roll my eyes when I hear Addison's nasal voice. She's talking to her friends, but as they walk by and see me, she starts getting louder with her story.
“Last night, Rocky came over to build my bookshelf. I ordered us pizza and we watched Netflix. Then it was like he couldn’t keep his hands off me, and we finally hooked up.”
One of her little minions says, “Oh my gosh, girl, he is so fine. You’ve wanted him forever. I just knew he would see you as more than a friend sooner or later. I’m just so glad he came to his senses and picked you over Montana, I seriously don’t know what he saw in her.”
“Yeah, I mean I don’t want to give too much away but the way his tattooed hands and arms were holding me. I get goosebumps just thinking about last night. And you are so right, I don't know what he was thinking when he was with her, he even said so last night.” She nods and her friends eat that shit up.
There’s a collective “Awe.”
I roll my eyes. Autumn’s standing next to me, looking like a deer in headlights. I'm sure Rocky got home late and didn’t have time to fill his sister in.
I, on the other hand, am giddy. I turn around and look at them with my resting bitch face turned up to one hundred. She wants to stand there and act like she didn’t know I was one step away. This girl is as fucking crazy as the ones in the true crime documentaries that I watch. I laugh at myself a little bit, thinking of seeing her on one in the near future. Well shit, I hope it's not my ass she chops up.
“Oh my gosh, Montana. I didn’t realize you were standing there.” She smirks at me.
Hoebag. I know, I know what I said about girl power and shit, but fuck, man, she makes it so hard to be a girls’ girl when she is a raging bitch.
“Really? Because as soon as you realized I was here, you started talking louder.”
The bitch smiles at me and says, “Well, now you know what happened last night, it was inevitable. We were best friends and now we both want to be more than friends.” She shrugs flipping her hair off her shoulder.
“Oh, word? So, you two are like a thing now?” I raise my eyebrow at her statement.
Autumn cuts in and whispers, “Montana, maybe we should go.”
“Oh no, girl, I'm fine. I want to hear what else Addison has to say.”
“Well, we did hook up last night like I said, and he said he wanted to be with me. Maybe he just hasn’t told you yet.” She picks up a book and pretends to be interested in it.
“Really? Because that’s not what I heard had happened. Rocky came to my house last night and told me a funny story. No really, I laughed my ass off.”
She puts the book back on the shelf and sneers at me.
I turn my head to ask Autumn a question. “Autumn, you want to hear what really happened last night?”
“What happened?” she asks while nodding.
I turn back to face the three wannabe plastics. “Rocky did go to your house last night, that much is true. But what you failed to mention is that you came onto Rocky. Sat on his lap and kissed him. He didn’t wrap his arms around you though, did he? No, he dropped you on your ass and asked what the fuck you thought you were doing.”