Page 42 of Fear of Flying
By the time they made it inside the door of their suite, Drew’s nerves were all but gone, replaced by the heady feeling of anticipation. As soon as the door shut behind them, Zach’s lips were on his, and they managed not to stumble too much as they made their way to the bedroom in a heated tangle of tongues and arms and legs. Then they were standing just outside the door to the bathroom, working with eager, fumbling hands to undo each other’s robes, their mouths still clashing together hungrily.
“Mmm . . . we should . . . probably . . . eat dinner,” Zach said between kisses.
“Yeah... mmm...” Drew agreed, but he really, really didn’t want to stop kissing Zach or interrupt where this was headed. His need to make love to Zach was bordering on urgent. Even still, he paused for a moment and pulled back, breathing heavily. “What if we, um, order something from room service and, uh”—he tilted his head toward the bathroom door—“we can shower off the chlorine and wash up while we wait for our food?”
“Together—so we conserve water?” Zach teased, his voice husky.
“Totally. Yep.” Drew couldn’t keep the grin off his face.
It wasn’t as torturous a wait as Drew feared it might be. They each took a turn in the bathroom, made their room service order, and were standing naked in front of the shower door in hardly any time at all. Zach reached into the shower stall and set the bottle of lube down on the tiled bench before turning on the water and setting the temperature.
Drew felt an almost giddy nervousness as Zach turned back to him and sought out his embrace while they waited for the water to heat up. He wrapped his arms around Zach, one hand smoothing over his back and the other reaching down to grab an ass cheek. Then he squeezed at the same time as he pressed Zach’s hips to his own, groaning with pleasure and want.
Zach’s hands had found their way behind Drew’s neck, and Zach was holding him close as they kissed thoroughly. After a moment, Zach backed up a few steps, tugging Drew with him, and reached blindly for the stream of water to check its temperature. Their movements were less than elegant, Zach seeming to be just as reluctant as Drew was to stop touching. Eventually, though, they stepped into the shower together and stood under the hot water.
God, he was never going to be able to take a shower alone again, at least not without thinking about Zach and the way his perfect body seemed to fit perfectly in Drew’s arms. Or the way he could feel both their dicks growing harder as their passion built. And now, unlike last time, Zach was washing him, running his soap-slicked hands all over Drew’s body. It was heaven. A very, very arousing heaven.
Zach reached up to point the showerhead away from them, and Drew was cold and confused for a moment until Zach pulled them both under the streaming water again and sat himself on the bench, angling their bodies just so to make sure the spray was hitting them both.
Slick hands caressed over Drew’s ass cheeks and tugged him closer to Zach, closer to Zach’s mouth. Drew’s dick twitched hard with want when Zach’s lips started pressing gentle kisses on his hip bone and everywhere else that was close to, but not quite where Drew wanted it most.
“You’re killing me, baby,” Drew rasped.
He felt Zach’s lips smile against him, his hands now caressing up and down Drew’s outer thighs. And when he glanced down to find Zach looking up at him, the heat of desire and a twinkle of amusement in those amazingly blue eyes, Drew thought he might actually have died and gone to heaven.
“I have to make sure you’re all clean, don’t I?” Zach asked with mock-innocence. “None of that harsh chlorine residue, and whatever else is in the pool water, to damage your perfect skin.”
Drew nodded, only half-aware of what he was agreeing to or if there had even been an actual question. Zach held his gaze as he lathered up with more soap and finally touched Drew’s shaft. Drew groaned loudly, his hips drifting even closer to Zach of their own volition. Zach stroked Drew’s rock-hard erection slowly from root to tip, slicking it over with soap. His other hand caressed Drew’s sac, spreading the soap lather over his skin and gently massaging his balls.
Drew’s mind was reeling, Zach’s touch eliciting some dizzying combination of closeness and love and the strong pull of desire. And as much as he knew he’d love what Zach seemed to be planning on next, there was something else he wanted so much more.
“C’mere,” Drew said as he reached for Zach, almost unsurprised to hear a bit of a warm growl in his own voice.
Zach came easily, standing and letting Drew gather him up in his arms with only a mild protest. “But I was gonna...”
Drew felt his dick twitch at the thought of being back in Zach’s mouth again, the warmth and the heat and the heady sensation of making love like that. But he shook his head lightly. “Mmm, sorry,” Drew said against his lover’s lips before kissing him, deeply and passionately. Then he pulled away slightly, letting out a short huff and staring into Zach’s eyes. “But I... god, I really want to be inside you. If that—if that’s okay...”
Zach moaned and his eyes seemed to darken even more as he nodded eagerly and then tilted his head up for another kiss. “Please, baby. Make love to me,” he said when their lips parted.
Desire and anticipation were racing throughout his whole body, but he wanted to savor every moment of this. So, slowly, he washed Zach’s body, caressing every part of him with slick hands. Then he turned Zach gently under the water, ensuring that every bit of his skin was free of soap.
Drew grabbed the lube and squeezed out a generous amount, then he kissed Zach, bringing their bodies flush against each other and letting his fingers slide down Zach’s crease and over the sensitive skin of his hole. Drew hungrily swallowed every whimper and moan from Zach as he caressed and prepared Zach’s tight opening.
Drew’s heart clenched as he whimpered against Zach’s lips, their kisses getting less and less distinct. He never thought he’d have something like this, anything even close to this, actually. To be here and with Zach and connected to him so intimately, hearing his lover’s pants and whimpers of encouragement as he pleasured him... God, it was overwhelming. In the best possible way.
Before long, the urge to be buried deep inside Zach was overpowering, so he stepped back slightly, letting his fingers slip out, and encouraged Zach to face the wall. Drew gave him another deep but brief kiss before he stepped behind him and trailed his hands down from Zach’s collarbone, over his shoulder, and along his spine. Drew moved closer, his dick bobbing against Zach’s ass cheeks as he dipped down to press wet kisses across the back of Zach’s neck, his other arm wrapping around Zach’s torso.
“I want you. So much,” he whispered in Zach’s ear before teasing his earlobe, both sucking and tugging gently in some alternating pattern.
“Ahh, god. I want you too, baby. I want to feel you inside of me.” Zach whimpered and leaned forward, splaying his hands out on the wet tile wall in front of them. He then bent slightly at the waist, pushing his ass against Drew’s erection as though he needed to feel it pressing into him to stay sane.
Drew’s dick throbbed with need, the pressure of Zach’s ass providing only some measure of relief. He blew out a breath, trying to gather his sense of equilibrium, and reached for the lube again. He slicked up his fingers and put one gentle hand on Zach’s lower back as he slowly re-entered Zach’s tight passage and thrust in and out.
“Are you ready?” Drew asked, his voice rough with need. The warm spray of the water continued to rain down on them as his other hand made a slow circle on Zach’s back.
Zach whimpered and nodded, pushing back against Drew’s fingers. “Yeah. Yes. Please.”
With one last caress, Drew removed his fingers again and then grabbed the bottle of lube. His own touch was almost too much as he slicked the viscous liquid along every inch of his shaft. In front of him, Zach seemed eager, his body restless with want. Seeing Zach’s hole, stretched and ready and waiting, sent fire blazing through his body all the way down to his toes. God, he wasn’t even inside him yet.