Page 36 of Tongue-Tied
I keep zoning out in my Community Politics class. To be fair, we’re watching a video on trash collection in a small town and how to solve their litter problem. Not a popcorn-worthy film, so maybe I’ll just ask Craig, sitting a row behind me, to see his notes later. Instead, I’m mindlessly doodling and considering where Austin and I could go on our second pretend date. There’s a world of possibilities in San Luco in February.
Since the bonfire, this whole idea has grown on me even more, mostly because it’s nice to see Austin happy. The plan’s obviously not perfect—I’m certainly not someone he wants to date—but it’s the thought behind it that matters.
Plus, it’s fun playing at being new acquaintances because it’s showing me sides of Austin I haven’t seen before. Or maybe I forgot about. His sweetness and innocence got to me to such an extent that I had to keep from kissing him for real at the end of the night. It felt so perfect that I lost myself in the moment. And that’s a bit concerning, but I’m also human, and in any case, I plan on working harder not to mess this up.
Besides, if the dates help him grow more confident, then I’m all for it.
Class is finally over, and I catch up to Craig as I head out of the building and make sure I got all the key points from the lecture. When he tells me there’s going to be a group project, I’m glad I asked. “Thanks for the heads-up. Catch you later.”
I spy the coffee cart, but Austin isn’t working his shift yet. Instead, I see him sitting on a nearby bench, doing what else? Reading. That guy can read any place, any time, and knowing him, he got there early to do just that. There’s something to be said for a person who really enjoys the little things, like a book on a nice, sunny day.
“There’s my future second date.” Austin’s shoulders stiffen briefly as I plop down beside him. “I figured out what’s next on our agenda.”
“Hello to you too,” he quips. “What?”
“I think we should go to the color-coded mixer.”
Wariness crosses his features. “The one Jason mentioned?”
“Yeah, why not? It’ll be fun.” Besides, he might feel more comfortable there, considering the company. It certainly seemed to work at the bonfire.
“As fun as getting a filling at the dentist?”
I snort. “You’re being dramatic. Do you have reservations because of the color-coded thing?”
He frowns. “Sort of?”
“So we won’t participate. Or we will, and it’ll end up being fun.”
Austin twiddles his thumbs, something he does when he’s nervous. “Yeah, I suppose.”
I tap his knee. “Hey, it doesn’t mean you have to know stuff about yourself. I’m still discovering my preferences too. Most college students are. It’s just for fun.”
He stands abruptly. “Oh, look, it’s time for my shift.”
“Way to avoid the topic,” I say as he grabs his bag. “If you don’t wanna go, then choose something else. I’ll still pick you up at your dorm.”
“Not if I pick you up first,” he lobs over his shoulder.
“Oooh, it’s a date.”
I smile as he walks to the cart, exchanging pleasantries with the girl on shift before him. I stay seated on the bench and pull out my notebook from class. I check the syllabus and see that there is indeed a group assignment to go with the video today. I glance over the assignment instructions as I absently listen to Austin taking students’ orders and filling them. I hear him joke around with Luna and smile to myself.
“Your order the s-same…is it?” I hear him stutter, and my head snaps up.
Brandon is standing at the counter, and my stomach immediately tightens in sympathy, or maybe frustration. I wish Austin could just blow him off. That obviously wouldn’t work well for a customer-service job, but it would help his nervous tic around attractive dudes if he could act more aloof and unbothered.
I know, easier said than done, which is how we got into this situation in the first place.
“Uh, yeah, my order is the same as always.”
Brandon seems annoyed, and I have the urge to defend Austin. But I also know he would be pissed if I got involved for no good reason other than a grumbly customer.
Instead, I study the guy and wonder what Austin sees in him. Sure, he’s tall, has good hair and nice lips, but he doesn’t seem to have much personality. Doesn’t that matter too? Says the guy who only does hookups and is all about attraction and getting off with someone for a night. But that’s not Austin, so I want better for him.