Page 37 of Tongue-Tied
When Austin fumbles the coffee cup and it spills over the side of the cart, I hop up from my seat, ready to help.
He throws me a warning look before apologizing profusely. “D-damn it, I’m s-sorry. A new one. I’ll get you a new one.”
It’s so unlike Austin to drop or make a mess of things. He might fumble his words, but that doesn’t bleed into his very coordinated life. I’m always the messy one next to him.
Austin avoids eye contact as he pours Brandon a new drink and hands it off.
When Brandon mumbles a thanks and walks away, Austin gets busy cleaning the counter with a rag. His breathing is labored, his cheeks pink, and I can see how flustered he is.
After he serves the next customer, I step up to the cart. “Everything cool?”
“Besides the fact that I made a fool of myself?”
“It was an accident. It happens.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. Don’t you have a student government meeting?”
I smile because he knows my schedule better than me, but he doesn’t return the gesture. “I’ll text you later.”
“Sounds good.” He remains solemn as I collect my things and walk away. Knowing Austin, he’ll bounce back soon enough. I hope.
The meeting ends up being an animated one due to a student complaint regarding the university not having enough gender-neutral restrooms, something they instituted in only one public space as well as the newer dorms. Apparently, that’s all they had in the budget. I immediately think of Kael and how he might feel about this issue. No doubt, the use of public spaces is an area of concern for him too, as well as all trans and nonbinary students, even if the other side of the argument is that the funding could be used to improve other areas on campus.
“What if we hold a public session where students are able to share their views?” I’ll make a point of inviting Kael. “It might help them find a middle ground.”
“Good idea,” Ian says.
After the meeting, I head back to the house. Tonight is taco night, and we all chip in to order takeout from the stand on the pier. I consider inviting Austin, but he’ll see right through me and call me on feeling sorry for him.
The truth is, I miss having him around for stuff like this. Things are different now, in more ways than one, and it’s really important to me to maintain that connection.
“Did you hear about the new bill being introduced in our state’s legislature?” Ian asks. It’s regarding the houseless population, and a heated debate ensues around the table. I imagine this is how it will be when I’m a real politician, so I partake willingly.
When Carson raises his voice to get his point across, I imagine Austin putting in earbuds and opening one of his books to tune us out. Warmth floods my stomach.
Later that night, after playing Call of Duty with Craig, I head upstairs.
Milo is sacked out already after eating some edibles. They seem to make him sleepy more than anything, but what do I know?
I strip out of my clothes, cut the light, and crawl into bed.
I smile when I glance at my cell and see a text from Austin.
The mixer sounds like a good idea. And I was serious about picking you up this time.
I can almost hear the consolation in his message after what happened with Brandon at the coffee cart.
Looking forward to it. I stare at the ceiling for a minute, then add, So tell me about your family. I hear they might be loaded.
Looking for a sugar daddy, are you?
I huff out a laugh, then clamp my hand over my mouth so I don’t wake Milo.
What if I am?
I suppose I can live with that…as long as you’ve got a nice schlong.
Schlong? How 70s porn industry of you. I’m grinning so hard my teeth hurt. Wait a minute, does this mean you might be a bottom? I mean, Dildo Baggins might’ve given it away, but I don’t want to make assumptions.