Page 65 of His Vicious Vow
I’m out by the pool, reading on a lounger after spending an hour in the pool. I feel guilty I’m happy with Bianca gone when I know Sandro is hating it. Not like he would talk to me to tell me or anything. He hasn’t come home at all since he left last night. I wonder if he’s with Bianca or…another woman. How long until he takes a mistress is all I can wonder. I have the acceptance of work, I’m due to endure the other woman next.
The alert sounds the elevator has arrived. I jump up and throw on the toweling robe I brought with me, too self-conscious in the one piece black swimsuit I’m wearing. Nerves have me wondering if I should pretend I don’t know he’s here and stay outside or go in and—and he’s here.
He fills the door. “I have a little something for you—”
I have no idea where it comes from, anger at him buying me yet another expensive gift. I hate the way every gift feels like a punch at me for saying those stupid words I would do anything to take back. “No. I don’t want diamonds or emeralds or the latest techie thing.”
An eyebrow is up as those blue eyes pierce me. “Okay, I’ll take it back.”
A dog is barking. He bought me a dog? “Sandro? Oh my god.” I run into the living room. Oh my freaking god, she’s so adorable I want to cry. Her little red bow around her neck matches the bows in her hair. I’m down on my knees scooping her into my arms. She’s giving me kisses. I swear I thought I didn’t like dogs. I was an idiot.
“If you’ll hand her over, I can take her back.” Sandro offers from above me without the smile I can hear in his voice.
Tightening my arms around her I shake my head. “I’m sorry. Please, I want her.”
A smile appears and I forget the dog for a moment, my mouth goes dry and my stomach twists with longing. I’ve missed that smile. It isn’t his laugh or chuckle but I’ll take it. “You’re sure? From what I heard she’s a little needy.”
I nod fast. “I’m sure. Where did she come from? These are one of those designer dogs, right? You spent a lot of money on her, didn’t you?”
He shakes his head. “She is maltipoo and was left in a room here in the hotel by a guest. Kiki, as she’s called,” the dog’s head comes up at her name and she struggles out of my arms and runs to him. My heart is squeezed tight when he picks her up gently and endures her licking his face. Laughing he pulls her away from his face and strokes her to settle her. “Yes, I’m talking about you. You were naughty and got into some chocolate. It made her sick. The owner wasn’t happy about her being sick. The hotel called her to let her know Kiki was at the vet and doing well. She said she didn’t want her and she’d already gotten a new dog.”
Outrage surges within me. “Are you fucking kidding me? What a ginormous bitch. Can you find her and kill?”
My outrage dies at his chuckle. I can’t believe I said it but I’m glad I did if it got a chuckle from him. “I can if you want me to. But maybe look at as her being a shitty person means Kiki no longer has to endure a shitty owner and you get Kiki.”
I exaggerate a sigh to cover the unease within me at even saying it—damn mafia blood running through my veins. “Fine. I guess. I’m going to count on karma handling her. Thank you for her. I can handle most dogs. And I love her.”
“You’re welcome. How about we do some shopping for her? She came with food but nothing else.” I hesitate, stomach twisting again at the idea of him inviting me anywhere. We have a fundraiser to attend tonight for the mayor. Natasha helped me pick a dress earlier today when she told me about it. I thought I’d have more time to prepare to spend time with him. “I’ll let you pick everything out. But no looking at prices.”
“Yes, please. Let me go get dressed.” I practically run for my room.
I’m all thumbs as I undress while in the walk in closet. Damn it, I used the outdoor shower and a cap over my hair to keep it from getting wet but I still feel like I need a shower.
Putting my hair up I jump in the shower. I’m in and out in five minutes. I put on lotion, my skin hates it in Vegas. If I forget to put lotion on after I get out of the shower or wet it gets so dry it itches. Since I can’t figure out what I want to wear I start with panties and a bra, a matching set. Did I want him to see? I don’t know anymore.
With that thought it’s easier to pick out a linen pink polo and pair it with tan yoga pants. I stuff my feet in comfy slip on sneakers that don’t look all that different from my old Vans but because they have designer name they cost a hundred dollars more.
I decide to go makeup free. While I did my makeup and Celia’s for the wedding—none of the makeup artists impressed me more than what I could do myself—I haven’t been in a makeup mood. In the back of my mind I wonder why it is but shrug it off. I had a few weeks of no makeup…right around the time I had my first panic attack. Shaking my head I force the thought down. I’m better, no panic attacks since the almost one in Florence.
Annoyed, I refuse to think about it. I’m better now, Ruth helped me with the panic attacks and I can put it all behind me. Brushing my hair I put in a high ponytail. Satisfied with how I look I grab handbag and phone.
Sandro is on the couch with Kiki in bliss at the long strokes he’s giving her. Blue eyes scan me. He shakes his head. “No yoga pants. Change. A long skirt or pants that don’t show every inch of you.”
I blink fast. “Excuse me? I’ll wear whatever the hell I want. You are not the boss of me.”
He chuckles. “Change or we don’t go. I am the boss of you. You know it and what’s more you like it. If you want to wear the yoga pants around the penthouse fine, but not out in public.”
How the hell did he know that? I was trying to convince myself the heat pooling low was because of his eyes on me. It’s not. At all. If I were smart I would give in but we both know I’m not so I dig in my heels. “Listen, asshole, you are NOT the boss of me. No piece of paper or ring is magical enough for that. I’ll wear whatever the hell I want to wear and I want to wear the yoga pants so I’m going to fucking wear them.”
A dark eyebrow lifts. The air is sucked out of the room when sapphire runs over me, slowly, so slowly I don’t have any air in my lungs by the time they lift to my own. Damn it, I’m drooling—in both places. I’m not sure if he moves slowly or it’s time that slows as he gets up and puts Kiki in a small plastic carrier. Done, he turns to me stalking me with intent in every step he takes. He stops a mere few inches away. In a swift movement that stuns me, he grasps the bottom of the shirt and whips it off me leaving me standing in my bra and the damn yoga pants. “If you want to show everyone your gorgeous body then it would not be fair to hide the best part. Wearing the yoga pants means you leave the condo like this. Your decision.”
My stomach flips a dozen times at the ultimatum. He wouldn’t march me outside in only bra—would he? My whole body is growing hot, my skin too tight at the way his eyes are running over me. It hits me, he wouldn’t let anyone see me like this. If I couldn’t leave in yoga pants, I’m not leaving without a shirt on. “Fine. Let’s go.”
I’m in the kitchen when a hand goes around my ponytail and pulls me back roughly. I am a freak for loving it. Then I’m up with his shoulder digging into my stomach not letting air out. “Put me down you fucking neanderthal psycho.”
A smack of his hand to my ass is my only answer. He tosses me on the bed in my room. Both hands come down on either side of me. His mouth is inches away from mine. “Change.”
Before I can drag him down to me for the kiss I long for he pushes up. “You have ten minutes or I go back to work.”