Page 71 of His Vicious Vow
She laughs. “Your mother sounds just like you.”
“I take that as a compliment.”
“It is. You really don’t care what name I give her…or him?” Green are wide.
I lift an eyebrow. “I will have to veto if you get too quirky for our daughter. Luna and—”
“Shut up, I’m not going to name my children after an anime.” She rolls her eyes as she blushes. “And there is chance it could be a boy.”
We both know I’m getting what I want. “Luna is now a common name no one would be aware of it. However, it will have to be something in the classical sense of no weird like James for a girl or Brian or something like that. Italian is preferred but not mandatory.”
“What was your mother’s name?”
“Evelyn Rose,” I tap the back of my hand with the rose on it. “She went by Rose. I got it to honor her when she died.”
“Rose is a pretty name.” She says more to herself than me.
“I think so.” I agree.
I’m going up in the elevator when my phone rings. Fucking hell, it’s Lauren.
“Sandro, I made an appointment. I need to speak with you. It’s important. I’m waiting.” I hate the way I see Carina stiffen, she heard Lauren’s voice.
“I’ll be there. Give me five minutes.” I end the call before she can argue. “I apologize—”
“Don’t bother.” Her voice is monotone as she keeps her eyes on the elevator door. When they open she steps out and walks away.
Sighing, I press the button for the floor my office is on.
* * *
I run for Sandro’s office. I might have picked the lock—thank you, nonna—and gone poking around in it out of curiosity the day after Bianca left, because I didn’t have to worry if she would catch me. It took a ton of tries to hack Sandro’s login. Especially when he kept changing it. I double click on the icon and hope he hasn’t changed this log in. I’m in. It’s the cameras, not only for the penthouse, it’s for the whole hotel and casino—including Sandro’s office. All thought stops when I bring up the cameras for his office. Lauren is stalking the room in agitation.
Sandro enters. “If you want to fire me just do it. I will not stand for being disrespected this way.”
I watch as Sandro’s jaw goes tight. He straightens to his full six foot two inches. Without saying a word he continues to his desk and sits down. Leaning back in his chair he studies her then nods to one of the chairs in front of his desk. Once Lauren sits, he finally speaks. “What are you talking about?”
She leans forward, her impressive tits nearly on display in the tight white dress has on. “I’m talking about you making me look a fool by not approving the request I put in for the printing of the mockups. I needed them for the meeting I had today with the mayor.”
Sandro says nothing, simply studies her until I see sweat form on her upper lip. Finally he speaks. “There was no request for any printing. You need to check your records. And your tone.”
I see her fear, she covers it as hurt. “I apologize. It was incredibly embarrassing. I gave you the request myself. It was among the stack of paperwork I gave you last week.”
Well she fucked up. She doesn’t know about Sandro’s eidetic memory.
Lauren sees she fucked up, even if she’s not sure how. “I’m sorry. Really, you’re probably right. I could have sworn I gave it to you. I just…” She sighs. “Working here, with you is harder than I thought.”
Sandro scoffs. “We don’t work together. I’ve seen you twice in three weeks. If you want to keep working here it will remain that way.”
Her tears, fake no doubt, fall. “You don’t miss me? Miss us? The rumor is you spend more time working than with your pretty young wife. Your wife you care for isn’t caring for you. I can care for you, Sandro. No one has to know, not even your wife.”
“We were over before I met my wife. My wife is the only woman I want. Our relationship is no one’s business. If you ever speak of my wife, to my wife, or to me again in an unprofessional manner I will fire you on the spot. You have thirty seconds to get your ass out of my office or I terminate you based on harassment.” Sandro is so cold I shiver from here.
Lauren power walks out of Sandro’s office. I keep watching as he shakes his head and yells for Natasha who enters with her eyebrows raised.
“I don’t like her. Everything about her is off.” Natasha mutters as she sits down in front of his desk.