Page 70 of His Vicious Vow
Emerald eyes are wide. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
I lift an eyebrow. “I’m quite attached to the name.” Her face falls. “I’m kidding. I’ll leave the name to you.”
Laughter fills the room again. I catch the doctor’s eye. She smiles, aware of my intent. “All done. Let me go get the ultrasound machine to take a first look. I also want to see if we have the results back on your hCG levels. I’ll be right back.”
She sits up to scoot back from the edge of the table. “Thank you. I’m sorry for being a baby.”
I shake my head. “You aren’t being a baby. This is all overwhelming. I’m your only support here and I want to be your support.”
Her smile is weak.
The doctor is back with a rather large rolling set up with two screens.
The doctor pulls the gown to the side, squirts a gel onto Carina’s stomach then runs a wand over her lower abdomen. Her eyes on the screen, the doctor moves the wand. She presses a button on the machine, then again. I realize the grainy image on the screen isn’t the 3d I thought it would be. “Why aren’t you using a 3d machine?”
“This is what we use for this early. If you would prefer a 3d sonogram in the future we can do that. It will just be more because it isn’t covered by insurance.”
“I don’t give a fuck if it’s covered by insurance. I’ll buy the machine and pay a technician myself. A 3d image provides greater information sooner in case there’s an issue.” I bite the words out.
“Sandro?” Carina’s eyes are concerned.
Grasping her hand, I squeeze gently. “The sooner we know the sooner we can take care of you and her if we need to.”
She nods slowly.
“I’ll make a notation Mr. Leonetti.” The doctor assures me.
“Good, thank you.”
A piece of paper comes out of a printer. It isn’t much that I can tell. “All right, it looks like you are a smidge earlier than you thought. This confirms the hCG levels you’re at eight weeks not six.”
My eyes meet Carina’s. Her smile is barely there as she shakes her head. “I bet it’s even a girl too.” She murmurs.
I smile down at her. “I won’t take the bet. You’ll come around to Ludovica before she gets here.”
Carina laughs as she shakes her head.
“All right. Everything looks good. I’ll see you in one month. I’m writing a prescription for some vitamins.” I tell her which pharmacy to send them to, it’s around the corner from the hotel. “Take them as directed and I highly recommend a pill organizer—you will forget if you’ve taken them or not. Do you have any questions for me?”
“I have a thousand but I’m going to read some more and hopefully answer them myself.” Carina admits.
I’m concerned. “Piccolina, are you sure there is nothing you feel the need to know now?”
“Seriously, Sandro I promise I’m good. It’s just…”
“A lot.” The doctor finishes her sentence. Carina nods with a smile. “There’s so much you’ve heard and wonder if it’s true and some things you hope aren’t. I’m here if you have any issues. If I’m not available I will call you back or my nurse will call you back as soon as we can.”
Her sincerity is reassuring. I see it has the same effect on Carina.
While Carina is getting dressed I speak with the receptionist to pay and set the appointment. I ask her to put my card on file so it can be charged as needed to include the extra cost of a 3d ultrasound.
By the time I’m done Carina is walking toward me with a grateful smile. We’re in the car when she asks the question I could tell was on her mind. “You were joking about the name, right?”
I chuckle and nod. “Very much so. It was the name my father suggested to my mother when they fought over Bianca’s name. My mother wanted Amihan. My father wanted Chiara after his mother. He referred to the baby as Ludovica for a week until my mother gave in to see if they could find a name they both liked. They settled on Lucia.”
Her head tilts. “Where did Bianca come from?”
“Another capo’s wife picked the name out for her daughter. She was due a few weeks after my mother and told my mother it was her name and my mother better not steal it. My mother, annoyed at the woman for daring to tell her she couldn’t have the name suggested it to my father. My father liked the name so agreed.” I shrug.