Page 69 of His Vicious Vow
The next day I stumble into the kitchen to find Sandro at the table. I stop short in surprise. I’m not sure why I feel shy. “Hi.”
“Good morning. You have an appointment with the doctor in tomorrow. I was hoping I could attend as well. If however—”
“Of course. Yes. I would appreciate it.” I’m trying to swallow down the tears his hesitation then happiness at my words cause.
He stands, running a hand down his tie. “In the future, do not hesitate to call or text me if you need me for anything. Natasha is not always privy to my schedule.”
I would swear it was a warning. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You are my wife. You are not a bother. Especially now if there’s anything you need, including speaking with me.”
All I can do is nod. Especially now, now that I’m pregnant. With a nod of his own he’s gone again. Once I’m sure he’s gone I go back to my room and back to bed, escaping from the mess I’ve made of my life.
* * *
The drive to the doctor appointment lasts for an eternity with Carina appearing as though she would rather be anywhere but in the vehicle.
In the office I check us in while she uses the restroom as the receptionist advises a sample is needed. When she returns I hesitate, wanting to ask if I could go in with her yet worried she would only say yes out of obligation.
“Are you coming in with me?” Her anxiety is clear. “Please.”
My chest twists at her anxiety. I nod quickly as I search for words. “Yes, I would like to very much.” I assure her. Without thinking I lay my hand on her hers. She turns her own hand over to hold mine tightly. “Thank you for letting me come in.”
Some of the tension eases within her. “If I have to do this then so should you.”
“Yes, I should. I want to be at every appointment, if you’ll have me.”
She nods. “Yes, please.”
A nurse calls her name. Getting up she keeps her hand in mine. She doesn’t let it go. I’m glad I can hold her hand while the nurse takes her blood. Her grip tightens as she hisses in pain.
She keeps a hold of it through the nurse going through several questions. I know the answer to all of them. Including when the baby was conceived, it’s where we differ though. Carina gives the date we made love in Italy. I believe it was our first time. I don’t say it though. Hell, I would rather it was in Italy than Carlo’s house taking her without giving her the pleasure she deserved.
When the nurse tells her to change into a gown she lets go of my hand. I miss it instantly.
I turn to give her privacy for while she changes after she hesitates. She sets her folded long purple maxi dress with her panties and bra on the other free chair in the room. As she climbs onto the exam table her delicious ass is exposed and my cock appreciates seeing it.
A brief knock sounds before the door opens to the doctor. She’s younger than I thought she would be. Is she truly the best in the city?
“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Leonetti. Glad to see both mom and dad in the room. Please call me Rebecca. Every time someone calls me Dr. Cannon I look for my mother. I see you think conception was six weeks ago. We can confirm that with the blood test and an initial sonogram where measurement will give us how many weeks you are.” She smiles as she looks down at her clipboard. “Okay, I’m going to get a pap.”
“Um…” Carina looks to me.
“Would you like me to leave?” I don’t want to but I’m aware a pap is uncomfortable for women. Bianca asking me to accompany her for her first one was unusual. Yet I was also glad I was there, she found it painful and scary. I’m already up ready to leave when I notice the way her hand is in a fist. I cross to her and cover her fist with my hand. As she did in the waiting room she opens her hand, turns it over and holds mine.
Her relief glows in her eyes. “Thanks this isn’t fun.”
I run my free hand through her hair. “You’re saying you don’t want me to get one of these exam tables and a speculum for home?”
She laughs as I hoped she would. “No. If you bought one of these you’d have to get one with straps to tie me down too.”
Sighing, I nod. “If you’re sure.
“Okay, I’m going to—” Carina grips my hand tight as she moans in pain, cutting off the doctor. “I’m sorry. I know it’s uncomfortable. Almost done.”
Another moan escapes Carina. I hate this. “I believe you should know. For a girl, I like the name Ludovica.”