Page 22 of Sebastian's Secret
He would have to answer those questions later, but until she was safe, he refused to give them space in his brain. “Are you okay?” he asked, locking gazes with her.
Rebecca tried to nod, but the asshole only tightened his grip on her neck.
“Don’t speak to her!” The idiot screamed. “Speak to me.”
“Let her go, you prick.” Disdain dripped from Sebastian’s voice as he neared him. “You do know you don’t stand a chance and your little friends are going to be out for a while.”
“Fuck you!” he hissed. “This bitch is mine.”
Sebastian had heard enough. Compelling his feet forward at a speed the human eye could scarcely discern, he grabbed the moron’s forearm and yanked it away from Rebecca. Forcing it into an unnatural angle, he jerked the aggressor away. The noise as the bone snapped echoed in the damp air, followed closely after by the howl of his pain as Sebastian threw him to the edge of the riverbank.
“What the fuck, man?” he wailed, mouth wide open as he surveyed the damage.
“Are you okay?” Towering over Rebecca, Sebastian reached for her cold hand. “Did he hurt you?”
“I…” Chest rising and falling, her gaze darted between Sebastian’s face and the guy screeching on the ground. “Yes, I’m all right.”
“You’ve broken my fucking arm!” The accusation sliced through the silence, jarring whatever solace her answer had provided for Sebastian.
“I warned you.” Turning, Sebastian fixed his stare on the only one of the three still conscious. “Told you what would happen if you pushed, but you insulted the lady.” He motioned to Rebecca. “And then you had the audacity to touch her without permission. I can’t allow that.”
“Just a joke, man!” Crouched on the ground, the guy was obviously in agony. “Can’t you take a joke?”
“I’ll show you how funny you are.” Striding from Sebastian’s side, Rebecca raced at the guy, shoving her knee straight into the underside of his chin. Howling at the new pain, he fell backward, landing on his injured arm and almost rolling into the water.
“Fuck!” he yelled. “Just go, man. Leave me alone!”
“Rebecca.” Wandering to her side, Sebastian reached for her hand. He didn’t condone the part of her that sought revenge, but he certainly understood it. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Okay.” Inhaling, she turned into his embrace, resting her head against his chest. “Let’s go somewhere for a drink, Sebastian. I need a stiff one.”
Chapter Ten
What the hell had just happened?
The question pinballed in her brain as Sebastian ordered whiskey, ricocheting like a bullet as the bartender wandered away from their table and left them in peace.
“Sebastian.” Her voice sounded distant, and lifting her hand, she noticed her fingers were trembling. “What happened out there?”
“Three assholes picked on the wrong couple.” His tone was sardonic, and even though she liked the way he called them a couple, she couldn’t help but feel he was intentionally missing her point.
“H-How?” she forced out the word as if it were painful. “How did you move so fast?”
“I’m a sprinter.” He shrugged, capturing her shaking hand in his and settling her. “I move fast.”
“Not like that.” She shook her head. “You moved at superhuman speed, Sebastian. It wasn’t only fast, it was unreal.”
Her focus pierced him, wanting him to know he couldn’t fob her off with another tall tale. He’d promised to do better and that meant being honest.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Rebecca.” Sebastian’s voice had softened. “I just wanted to protect you.”
“And I’m so thankful for that.” Tears brimmed as she recalled the ugly scowl of the guy who’d dragged her away while Sebastian took on his two pals. As if the repulsive fiend was still there with her, the aroma of his body odor filled her nostrils again, knotting the old anxiety in her belly until it threatened as nausea. “Really. No one has ever stood up for me that way.”
“No one?” Sebastian was horrified.
“No.” An emptiness she rarely acknowledged swelled inside at the admission.