Page 23 of Sebastian's Secret
“But you deserve it.” He sounded serious again, fury echoing in his tone. “You’ve always deserved it.”
“I know.” Did she? Her family hadn’t exactly made her feel valued. The Monroes had wealth, but no valor. It was everyone for themselves.
“But that doesn’t explain what I saw.” Pulling in a deep breath, she locked gazes with him as the bartender returned with their liquor.
Thanking the bartender, Sebastian reached for a glass and slid it across to her before pulling one to himself. “Look.” Pausing, he glanced around as though whatever he was about to say next was critical. “There is an explanation for what you saw, but honestly, I can’t get into it tonight.”
“You can’t, or you won’t?” She stared at him pointedly.
“Won’t,” he clarified. “Not tonight.”
“Then when?” Confusion pounded in her head, making it difficult to think as she lifted the glass to her nose and pulled in the steadying scent of the alcohol.
“One thing at a time,” he implored. “We’ve barely caught our breath today. Let’s just spend more time together before my confessions.”
His confessions? Rebecca’s bewilderment was only growing.
“Okay.” She wasn’t certain it was okay but didn’t know what else to say. She wanted to spend more time with him, longed to get to know him better and explore whatever was brewing between them, but she couldn’t abide his secretive nature. Her family had too many secrets—the Monroes were renowned for them. The last thing she needed was a man with a litany of his own.
“Are you really okay?” His gaze was knowing.
“Not really.” Her brows knitted. “I’d rather just know what you’re hiding.”
“I understand, but it’s not as simple as that.”
Simple? She snorted, wanted to laugh. When was anything ever simple?
“Why isn’t it simple?”
“Because…” Hesitating, he drew in a breath. “What I have to share doesn’t only belong to me.”
Was Sebastian deliberately talking in riddles?
“This thing—this ability—it runs in my family,” he explained. “We all have it.”
“You can all move at superhuman speed?”
Supping at the whiskey, she wanted to laugh at how preposterous that sounded, but she didn’t. Rebecca had seen it for herself—she’d witnessed the way Sebastian had moved. It was no fairytale.
“Yes.” He gripped his glass. “Something like that.”
“Oh.” What did that mean? She had no idea what that meant.
“Thank you.” His thumb stroked over the top of her hand.
“What for?”
Rebecca wasn’t sure if it was shock or the whiskey, but her head was spinning. All in all, today had been unexpected—from her tussle with Oliver, to ironing things out with Sebastian—but she couldn’t bring herself to regret a moment. She craved more of him, more time with him.
“For not pressing the point right now.” His eyes spoke of tacit emotions. Perhaps of things he longed to share, but felt he couldn’t. “For understanding.”
“I’m not sure I do,” she confessed. “But I want to—when you’re ready to share.”
His lips curled, his hand entwining with hers. “I know it’s ridiculously early days, but I’ve loved being with you.”
Play it cool, her internal monologue instructed. I finally have him where I want him—on the back foot—make the most of it. Make him pay for those days he ignored me.