Page 3 of Sebastian's Secret
‘Draco’s right.’ Cole’s tone was softer. ‘This isn’t such a stretch for you.’
‘It’s about the principle,’ Sebastian responded, but even as he did, he sensed where his determination might wane. Although he despised what the contract stood for, Draco was right. He had always wanted to marry. If he signed, then he just had more impetus to make that reality happen. ‘I don’t like being compelled.’
‘None of us do,’ Draco’s voice was cold. ‘It stinks’.
‘I hate to be the bearer of bad news.’ Cole turned toward home. ‘But the sun is starting to set and Father will be waiting.’
Sebastian stared at a distant peak that was home to their mountain lodge. Michael would be there with Balthazar, wondering where his remaining sons were. It was time to make his decision.
‘What will you do?’ Cole probed.
‘He doesn’t have a choice.’ Draco peered back at them as he leapt into the air and rose on the passing air torrent. ‘None of us do.’
His words were scarcely audible as he flew toward home, but Sebastian felt their meaning even when he was nearly out of sight.
‘Draco’s right.’ It pained Sebastian to have to confess it, but his regret made it no less true. ‘It would kill Dad if I refused, so…’ His voice dried up as he contemplated what it meant.
‘It’ll be okay,’ Cole soothed as he took flight. ‘We’re all in the same boat. We’ll make it work.’
Watching Cole fly away, Sebastian realized that there was solace in that fact. He shared the same fate as all of his brothers, but still he couldn’t get past the unnerving sense of coercion. Michael was taking away their personal choice, removing the one freedom that every man and woman should have—the right to decide whether they chose a life partner or spent the rest of their time in this realm alone. He acknowledged that now, whenever he met a woman, the question of his ‘lack of choice’ would always be there, taunting him, tainting the romance, and corroding whatever chance of happiness they had. Unlike Michael Vaughn, whose mortality ensured that he would one day pass to the next place and rejoin their mother, his father’s contract would never abandon him. It would always be there, guiding and constricting Sebastian’s free will.
“I’ll sign,” he resolved as he edged toward the precipice of the rocky ledge. “I’ll sign, but I’ll never be on board; I’ll never agree.”
Stretching his wings, he arched into the breeze, ready to take flight. From some distant place in his mind, Sebastian prophesized the future that was sprawled out ahead of him. Maybe he’d find a woman, fall in love, and fulfil the contract with ease, or perhaps, as the tension tightening in his stomach predicted, the lingering sense of ‘having to commit’ would haunt him, making it impossible to ever let down his guard and meet the one.
Leaping forward, he coasted on the breeze, permitting it to lift him into the air. Whichever outcome awaited would be sealed with the signing of the contract, creating a pact that would form his family’s legacy.
Chapter One
Four years later
Sapphire light flowed across the dance floor, illuminating the hordes of pulsating bodies. Glancing down from the balcony, Sebastian watched their animated forms with a tinge of jealousy. Even as a younger man, he’d never been much of a dancer, but at thirty-four years old he envied their lithe movement.
“See something you like?” Cole’s lips curled as he put down his drink, the weighty bass of the music thrumming from the speaker behind him.
At just before midnight, Club Indigo was heaving with excited party-goers.
“No.” Shaking his head, Sebastian met his gaze. The immense room below them was filled with beautiful men and women, but none of them interested him.
“No?” Cole’s brow rose before he peered over the gallery and decided for himself. “I’d be happy to help a few of them out of their slinky dresses.” He smiled, revealing a line of near-perfect white teeth. “Maybe a few at the same time.”
“Go ahead.” Sebastian gestured to the gyrating throng, their hips dancing backward and forward as if they were members of a salacious dance platoon. “I’ll watch from here.”
“What’s up, Seb?” Cole’s tone was playful. “How come you never want to indulge? Don’t tell me abstinence is your preferred style?”
“Not exactly.” His youngest brother was putting two and two together and coming up with five. “I’m just not in the mood.”
“Fair enough.” Rising to his feet, Cole tugged down the lapels of his striking tan suit. Like Sebastian’s brother, Cole’s attire exuded youth and confidence. “Excuse me, I’m off to play.”
“Have fun,” Sebastian answered. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sipping at his gin and tonic, he watched as Cole made his way down the winding silver staircase to the dance floor. Their father’s wealth and family name meant they had access to luxury and privilege that few others did, so Sebastian had the benefit of relaxing with the few other V.I.P.’s, away from the pulsing pit below.
Staring over the gold rail, he couldn’t help but grin at Cole. His brother moved with such ease and purpose that it was clear why the sultry brunette he passed turned to give him a second look. Nudging her blonde friend, they followed Cole as he slipped through the swarm, one attractive woman on either side of him. Sebastian doubted he’d be going home from the club alone.
“Is this seat taken?”