Page 4 of Sebastian's Secret
Glancing up from his brother’s playground, Sebastian was surprised to see a woman hovering over the seat Cole had departed.
“Excuse me?” he asked, eyeing the way her red dress clung to her curves.
“I said,” she repeated. “Do you mind if I sit down?”
Dazzling blue eyes drilled into him, her expression exasperated as if she couldn’t believe he was making her ask twice. Based on how gorgeous she was, Sebastian could understand why. He peered quickly around the area to see if Cole’s was the only chair free, but based on his brief reconnaissance, the beauty had plenty of other choices.
“Where are my manners?” Motioning to the empty seat opposite, Sebastian met her alluring gaze. “Please do.”
“Thank you.” Taking her place, she placed her wine flute on the table between them and slid one slender leg over the other, her gaze expectant.
Oh gods. Fingers gripping his glass a little tighter, his heart raced as he looked at her. Yes, she was delightful and apparently eager to get to know him, but this was precisely the kind of occurrence he’d stayed away from the heaving crowds to avoid.
Women were wonderful and Sebastian didn’t deny how aesthetically pleasing the latest specimen was, but he liked to keep his distance. Getting involved in romantic entanglements had been proven to be problematic, but he’d been raised too well to permit the strained silence to continue. The gentleman in him compelled him to speak.
“Are you enjoying your evening?”
“Yes.” The redhead’s lips twitched. “I saw your friend leave and decided I’d like to join you.”
“You’re very welcome to.”
Wait—what? Why had he said that? He’d left Cole to play alone precisely because he didn’t want to interact with beautiful, enticing women, so why was he giving this one the impression that he craved her company? It was, he supposed, for the same reason he’d had a string of meaningless sexual relationships since he’d signed his father’s contract. Sebastian never wanted to be rude or callous to the opposite sex—he truly did adore them—but he equally sought no more than casual dalliances. It was better to be single.
“My brother chose to join the masses.” Sebastian signaled to the jam-packed dance area.
“While you prefer personal space?” she added, leaning forward for her drink and offering him a gratuitous glimpse of her ample cleavage.
“That’s right.”
Momentarily transfixed by her assets, he inhaled and glanced away. This was not what he’d come out with Cole for and he knew it. It was allegedly about spending time with his brother and unwinding, though the choice of location had been Cole’s, and not Sebastian’s. He shouldn’t let Cole’s departure tumble him into such a deep and glorious rabbit hole.
“What’s your name?” Apparently unfazed by Sebastian’s jittery responses, she pressed on.
“Sebastian,” he answered, compelling himself to meet her eyes. They really were the most incredible shade of blue he’d ever seen—like something from a movie. “And you are?”
He didn’t know why he asked. It didn’t matter what her name was.
“Rebecca.” She flashed him a tempting smile.
“You look lovely in that dress,” he told her, conscious of his willpower slipping through his fingers.
He hadn’t intended to snare an enthralling woman, but when one presented herself so flawlessly, was it right that he just ignore her? Their father had always taught his sons about the importance of manners and it was surely discourteous to disregard her.
“I look even better without it.” Rebecca didn’t even flinch as she sipped at her wine, eyeing his response carefully.
“I bet.”
Sebastian’s compliment wasn’t unfounded. She looked ravishing, and though he never instructed his limbs to move, he inched closer, imagining how soft her skin would be against his.
“Wanna see more?” Swirling her wine around the glass, she ran her tongue over her glossy lower lip. It was one of the most provocative gestures he’d ever seen.
Well, do I?
His body said yes—there was no doubting that, his cock swelling and eager to see everything—but his mind, knowing better, resisted.
Don’t do it. You know how this ends, Seb and you know it must end. Women get too attached, want more than you can give.
But nothing about Rebecca’s body language, from her knowing smile to her tempting gaze, spoke of a clingy and emotional individual. She wasn’t the type of woman who’d fall for an aloof guy in a sharp suit. In fact, every fiber of her being screamed that she was an intelligent, sensual being who knew what she wanted.