Page 67 of Sebastian's Secret
What does that mean?
As fast as the thought flitted through her head, the answer came to her. His speed at the river and the way he’d dealt with their attackers… there was something special about Sebastian. Something unique that had empowered him to handle the situation with such ease. Rebecca had sensed it all along, but convinced herself that she wasn’t remembering properly, that he couldn’t have been so quick. The tone of his voice now convinced her otherwise. She hadn’t invented his proficiency.
“Is this something to do with your enhanced…” hesitating, she tried to think of the correct words. “Abilities?”
His twitching lips confirmed that she was onto something. “You are so perceptive, little girl.”
She swore her heart raced even faster at his response. “So, that’s a yes?”
“That’s a yes.” He glanced in her direction before his focus returned to the road and following his gaze, she realized they were headed out of the city toward the mountains.
“Is it okay to tell you that you’re frightening me a little bit?” She squirmed at the admission, the movement agitating her tender backside.
Sebastian’s knowing laughter filled the car, intensifying her intrigued alarm.
“Not in a bad way.” Not like Jonas. “But in a sexy kind of way.”
“Good.” His hand left the wheel and reached for her thigh, trailing a fingertip down toward her sex. “Because I haven’t forgotten what else I owe you.”
Fuck, he made everything sound scintillating.
“I promise I was good.” She barely recognized her eager voice. Whoever she had morphed into, it didn’t sound anything like the Rebecca she knew of old. “I didn’t come, I didn’t even try to.”
“I know, beautiful.” He squeezed her leg gently.
“You do?”
There was no logical way that Sebastian could have known, but oh, how she adored his confidence. No one had ever exhibited such faith in her before.
“Yes.” His eyebrow cocked as he turned briefly her way. “I can smell how wonderfully turned on you are.”
“What?” she gasped as her hands flew to her face to cover her mouth. “No, you can’t!”
“Yes, I can.” Once more his chuckle deepened. “It’s another one of those quirks like moving a little faster than other guys.” His lips stretched into a smile. “I can hear, see, and smell better as well.”
“How?” she asked breathlessly, trying to ignore her embarrassment by deflecting his attention to the more important point. There was no way he could detect how horny she was. “How is that possible, Sebastian?”
“That’s what I want to show you.” His hand slid between her legs and as if he had commanded her hips, they rocked forward to meet his digits.
So much for having a distracted mind. Despite everything, I’m still so ready for him.
“And once you know everything—assuming you still want me—I’ll take you back to the heavens.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Had he ever been more excited and nervous, all at the same time? As they approached the foothills of the mountain range that housed Fireside, Sebastian’s stomach was in knots.
He was going to tell her about his genetic mutation. More than that, he was going to show her. A part of him failed to believe it was true. In all his life, neither he nor any of his brothers, as far as he knew, had ever revealed their secret to anyone. What Sebastian planned to do was monumental.
They would drive to the place where the Vaughns isolated hut was located. It was where he and his brothers left spare clothes, their keys, and cars when they shifted and flew to the mountain lodge. It was safe, and that made it a good site to disclose his true self.
Fuck. His heart sprinted faster as he conceptualized the idea. Am I really doing this?
Looking her way, he already knew the answer. Yes, he was. He would show her everything and let the cards fall where they chose. Maybe it was reckless. He was certain Michael and Balthazar would think so, but if he and Rebecca were to have a future, and every part of him prayed that they did, then he needed her to know who he really was. He refused to live a double life with her.
“Where are we?” She peered out of the window as the car slowed.