Page 44 of Cole's Command
“I never knew gene-pools like yours existed.” She shook her head, although a small smile appeared on her beautiful lips. “This is mind-blowing, Cole.”
“Eden” His voice hardened. “You’re not listening. No one can ever know about this.”
“You can’t expect me to sit on information like this?” She blinked at him as though he was mad, her thoughts confirming the sentiment. What’s wrong with him? Can’t he see how amazing this is? “I know our sessions are confidential, but you can come forward yourself. Just think about the potential for medical advancement.”
“Put your seatbelt on,” he gestured to the belt, his attention turning to his own.
This conversation wasn’t getting him anywhere. Cole should have seen this coming. Eden was too headstrong a woman to concur with his way of thinking without a struggle. He should have known better.
“What?” she snapped. “Why? Are you taking me back to the office?”
“Put. Your. Belt. On. Please.”
Her brows knitted as slowly, she complied, but Cole didn’t have to be a mind-reader to sense her hesitation.
“Thank you.” Starting the engine, he pulled away, heading for the road that led to the Vaughn’s hut. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk this through with you before.”
“Talk what through?” Her gaze darted left and right as they met the road, and as the realization dawned that they weren’t heading back toward the city, so did the panic in her mind.
Oh God, where is he taking me? Am I in trouble?
“You’re not in trouble.” Gods help him, but he couldn’t resist the sense of relish he experienced at her trepidation and had to admit that in trouble was a relative term. He was about to take control of her life. She just didn’t know it yet. “But I’m not taking you back to the office.”
“Cole.” Her breathing was labored as she fidgeted in her seat. “Where are we going?”
“To one of my homes. It’s somewhere we can talk things through properly.” He didn’t take his eyes from the road, but could see her agitation in his peripheral vision.
“I think we’ve done enough talking.” Oh fuck. She pulled in a shaky breath. I’m in real trouble.
“Honestly.” He peeked in her direction, trying to decide if she was a flight risk. The car was moving, but desperate people had been known to leap from moving vehicles. Fortunately, his car locked itself automatically, so even if she tried, she’d was stuck with him. “Our talking has only just begun.”
“You’re not making sense.” Exasperation resonated in her tone. “If you’re planning on kidnapping me, it won’t work. Too many people know where I was and who I was with.”
She had a point about that, and Cole knew it. Joe would likely be asking questions if she didn’t return to work. Cole had to bear that in mind.
“You’re overthinking.” It wasn’t the first time he’d told her that. “We just need time together to work out how you manage the new information.”
“Is that what all of this was about?” She looked around the car frantically.
The hut was coming into view ahead and he still had to decide how to wrestle Eden to the top of the mountain. He’d been planning to fly, but shifting again might push her over the brink.
“Bringing me here.” Her fingers explored the side of his door, searching for a way out. “So, you could snatch me away.”
“Oh, stop it.” He smirked in her direction. “You’re making it sound unduly sexy.”
“What?” She sounded outraged. “What the hell is sexy about this situation?”
“That, Dr. Lewis, is an entirely different conversation.”
She shook her head in apparent disbelief. What on Earth is wrong with his guy?
“As is that one.” He chuckled as he brought the car to a halt. Surveying the small parking lot, he was pleased to see none of his brother’s cars were already there. The last thing he needed was to have to deal with their concerns.
“Okay, stop.” Raising her palms, she created a barrier between them. “Is this another secret you want to disclose, because I have to say, Cole, I don’t do triple-sessions and definitely don’t do home visits.”
It’s just as well he’s so damn hot, because he’s really winding me up.