Page 45 of Cole's Command
“Fair enough,” he concurred. “You’ve given me a lot of your professional time already today, and there’s still some things we haven’t discussed.”
The atmosphere in the car had shifted, tension easing from her shoulders as she scowled at him, and more than ever, he wanted to tell her about his dark desires, to dwell in that delicious place with his wonderful therapist.
“And yet still you want to keep me here?” She glared in his direction.
More than you know, he mused, pressing his lips together before he answered. “I’ve taken your professional time,” he clarified. “But now, I want your personal time.”
“And if I don’t want to give it to you?” Folding her arms across her chest, she practically pouted and once again, Cole imagined hauling her over his lap and tanning her gorgeous backside.
“I think you do.” Switching off the engine, he turned to her. “We’ve already established we’re attracted to one another.”
“Sexual attraction doesn’t justify this!” Her irritation flared. “You’re smart enough to know that.”
“Thank you for the compliment.” He met her eyes, listening to her scrambling thoughts grappling for composure. Yes, she was attracted to him, but at that moment, her fear about her fate was greater than her desire. That made sense, because Eden didn’t really know him. If she did, she’d know that while he’d toy with and torment her, he’d never allow any actual harm to come to her. “I’m going to level with you.”
“Yes, please.” She rolled back her shoulders as though she had any choice about whatever came next. “It’s a shame you didn’t do that earlier.”
Ouch! He winced at her stinging comment, consciously ensuring he didn’t allow it to trigger him into a knee-jerk reaction. There had arguably been enough of that already that afternoon.
“We’re at a crossroads, Eden.”
Pushing her hands into her lap, her gaze bored into him. “That’s one way of putting it.”
“A couple of lines have been crossed today,” he started. “You and I blurred the lines of our relationship with our kiss—”
“Your kiss,” she interjected. “You kissed me.”
“You kissed me back.” He couldn’t believe she was being so childish.
She inhaled at that, turning to look out of the window as he went on.
“Then there’s my shifter status.” The critical point as far as Cole was concerned. “Now that you know, everything has changed.”
She frowned as she glanced at him. “And you knew this when you told me?”
“Yes.” There was little point in lying to her. “I knew what it meant.”
“How could you?” Tears pricked in her eyes. “Knowing what it meant, why did you tell me?”
“Because I trust you.” A pang of guilt echoed in his chest, but he pushed it away. Nothing bad would happen to Eden. He would make sure of that. “You pushed me to open up and I did.”
“Not like this.” There was conviction in her voice. “I didn’t think it would lead to me sitting in the car of a dragon-man in the middle of nowhere.”
“I understand why you’re angry.” He really hadn’t intended to upset her, but supposed her reaction had been inevitable. “We can talk it through.”
“Are you trying to offer me therapy?” she balked.
“Not therapy.” Gods, she was gorgeous when she was raging. “Just companionship and friendship.”
She shook her head at his apparent audacity. “You arrogant prick.”
“Excuse me?” Chuckling at her outraged tone, he planned the fastest route she could cross the interior of the car if he did decide to spank her.
“You reveal this incredible secret to me, bring me out here, frighten the crap out of me, won’t let me leave, and then want to talk about companionship—you must be fucking mad!”
“Listen.” He reached for her hand, but she pulled away. “I know you’re upset, but I won’t accept you speaking to me that way.”
“What are you going to do, Cole?” Her eyes begged him to defy her. “Spank me?”