Page 46 of Cole's Command
“Now, there’s a thought.” His balls contracted at her tempting proposition. Although he realized it wasn’t an invitation, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t take it. “I’m thinking about it.”
“Don’t even go there,” she snapped, turning away and once again searching for a way out of his vehicle.
She paused at the tone of his voice.
“Look at me,” he ordered.
“Why?” she asked, stubbornly refusing to meet his eyes.
“Because,” he replied. “I want to make sure you understand what comes next.”
“What?” Inhaling, she looked like she was either going to smack him in the face or burst into tears.
“I will look after you, care for you, and work with you to compromise, but let’s get one thing straight.” He looked her dead in the eyes. “You’re coming to the mountain lodge with me. That’s where we’re talking.”
Chapter Sixteen
EDEN WAS IN FREE FALL. Of all of the scenarios she might have envisaged playing out when the sexy Cole Vaughn sauntered into her office, this was the last one she had seen coming.
A dragon?
Her brows knitted as the label played out in her head again. He’s a fucking dragon! It was impossible to believe, and yet she had no choice. She’d seen him change before her very eyes.
And now she was trapped in the wilderness with one of the most alluring guys she’d ever set eyes on who seemed determined to sweep her away to his mountain lodge and discuss what came next. She should have been terrified or livid, and yet the truth was that deep down, the prospect of splendid isolation with Cole didn’t scare her half as much as it should have done.
It wasn’t only that he looked like he’d just walked out of the pages of Men’s Health magazine. He was smart and charismatic, and his clandestine dragon identity clearly had lots that she could get her teeth into, but none of that was really the point.
So, what is the point?
She posed herself the question, acknowledging the fact that he was probably listening to her every thought from the driver’s seat.