Page 68 of Cole's Command
STARING AT HER REFLECTION, Eden wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing in the bathroom. She’d done what she’d come for, but had found herself gazing idly at the woman in the mirror after she’d washed her hands. The stunned expression of the girl blinking back at her looked familiar, and yet somehow, Eden didn’t recognize her face. The mental image she held of herself was of a proud and professional therapist. She couldn’t place the face staring at her, didn’t know where the brazen banshee had come from.
“I could lose my license,” she reminded herself. “All he has to do is tell someone what we’ve done.”
Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that should be deeply concerning, but in the afterglow of their union, she couldn’t find the will to care. Eden had never known pleasure like the type Cole had given her. Hell, until that evening she hadn’t even known that men could do those things with their mouth!
“And then there was his cock.”
She smiled at the memory. He’d felt magnificent inside of her, and there was no doubt that she craved another round of carnality, but she couldn’t justify that.
“I can’t justify any of this.” Her brow furrowed for the first time since they’d fucked, her paranoia growing without the solace of his presence.
What were you thinking?
Tensing at the terse tone, she turned to see the silhouette of her father floating in the corner of the marbled room.
“Dad?” she whispered, grabbing a nearby towel and covering her modesty. “You can’t be here!”
You should be ashamed. His voice hissed from the corner, although she realized it wasn’t his voice at all, only the personification of the hangover of emotions she still harbored about her father. You could lose your career over him—some jumped-up rich boy!
“Stop it!” she muttered, turning away from him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Just stop it!”
Clinging to the basin, her heart raced at the abrupt knock at the door accompanying Cole’s voice.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
Wait, did she still have to use the address? Her pussy clenched as she accepted what should have been clear—she’d employed it because it turned her on to do so.
“I’m on my way.” Abandoning her towel, she walked to the exit, knowing her father’s ghost was already gone. Pulling the door open, she found Cole towering in the doorway.
“You were in there so long that I was starting to worry.” He offered her an apologetic shrug.
“I was just thinking.” It was the only explanation she had.
“Uh oh.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, he beckoned her forward. “That doesn’t sound good.”
“What do you want to talk about?” Intentionally dodging his inference, she perched beside him. They were both still naked, and she supposed it should have been awkward, but it was easy to be so natural with him.
“Me.” He sighed. “Dragons, this...” He gestured around the room. “Us.”
‘Is there an us?’ She wasn’t sure if she sent the thought to him on purpose, but she knew he’d have heard it.
“I hope so.” Reaching for her hand, he squeezed her fingers. “I want there to be.”
“But my job?” The weight of everything she’d abandoned when he’d plucked her from the ground suddenly fell over her. “I have a career that I love, Cole. I could lose everything over this.”
“I won’t let that happen.” His voice was firm. “I’ve already decided. I’ll officially relinquish your services tonight and find another therapist. That way you won’t be in any trouble.”
“I could still lose.” Her voice trembled as she watched his thumb stroke her skin. “After everything we’ve done.”
“I won’t tell anyone.” Grasping her chin with his free hand, he directed her attention to his face. “I mean that, Eden. I’m not in this to ruin you. I want to see where this chemistry between us can go.”
Her brows knitted, although she didn’t dispute the point. She longed for the same. “Okay, but what about your dragon?” She could hardly believe she was even asking. “How can you trust me not to tell people?”
“The same way you’ll have to trust me not to tell.” His lips twitched. “We’ll both have to take a leap of faith in each other.”