Page 69 of Cole's Command
“I guess.” She laughed nervously. “That’s a lot to ask after only a few hours.”
“I know,” he agreed. “But it feels right to me.”
“Me, too.” She leaned into his hand. “I guess that’s why I wanted you to stay late at the office and why I came with you. I like being around you, Cole.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “I noticed, but you might have garnered that the feeling is mutual.”
“Right.” She smiled.
“Can I ask you something?” Shifting on the bed, he waited for her to respond.
“Sure.” Oh, God, what’s coming now?
“I just wanted to ask about your dad?”
“My dad?” Her pulse accelerated.
“Yeah.” Cole inched closer. “When I brought you in to the bedroom, you thought of him and wondered what he’d have to say.” His brow rose. “That struck me as a little odd, considering the reason we were here.”
Her gaze fell at his logic.
“I mean,” he went on, apparently back-tracking. “It’s none of my business, so just tell me to piss off if you like.”
“You’re okay.” Reaching for the nearest pillow, she cuddled it to her chest. “I just can’t get used to the fact you know all of my thoughts.”
“It’s disconcerting; I’m sure.”
“That’s one way of putting it.” She met his gaze with a sigh. “But I don’t blame you for asking. My dad was an amazing guy, but sometimes it feels like his specter haunts me.”
Cole couldn’t help but smile at her explanation.
“Why is that amusing?” she barked.
“It’s not.” He was sympathetic. “It just sounds a bit like my father.”
“Really?” She held the pillow tighter. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. Sorry.”
“Do I need to spank you again?” Cole’s tone was sarcastic, conveying that he had no intention of doing so. No doubt he sensed that he’d hit a nerve regarding Eden’s father and wanted to understand why.
“I don’t think so, sir.” She clenched her delectable ass, recalling the sting of his strikes.
“Good.” He rubbed her knee. “I’d like to know more about your dad if you’re up to sharing.”
“I don’t know.” I can’t tell him what’s been happening.
“Why?” he pressed. “We’ve been honest with each other so far, haven’t we?”
“True, but...” Hesitating, she pulled in a breath. “But if I tell you what I’ve been going through, you’ll want nothing more to do with me.”