Page 29 of Draco's Defiance
“You know I will.” His answer was immediate. “Just like I did before.”
She couldn’t argue with that. “I appreciate that, sir.” Her voice was raspy with need. “Thank you.”
So much for legal professionalism. Yet again, she’d barely given workplace principles a thought since she’d set eyes on him.
“I don’t hurt women, Moira.” His tone was serious, and she wondered if she’d offended him. “I only cause short-term pain that both partners want and understand.”
Well, that ruled her out then. Moira failed to comprehend any of her passion for the pain and submission.
“What other things might see me over your knee, sir?” It was a question she would never have normally asked, but the strength of feeling between them persuaded her it was safe to do so.
“Well.” Inching his head away, he planted a kiss on her forehead. “That’s a good question. Lots of misdemeanors. Things like lying to me, or being overly argumentative.”
Argumentative? Didn’t he realize that she was literally trained to take people’s arguments apart?
“Do you want me to spank you?” His new query sent the prior thought spiraling. “Because if you do, you only need to say so.”
“I...” Her voice trailed away as she struggled to think of the right answer. Did she want this? Surely, she didn’t, and yet if that was true, why couldn’t she let the topic go? She hadn’t thought of much else since he’d mentioned it. “I don’t know.”
“The truth.” His tone was harder, though she noticed his grip on her wrists softened.
“Yes, sir,” she whispered, swallowing down the burgeoning anxiety that threatened to overwhelm her. “But I’m a little afraid.”
That was an understatement. How could she possibly allow this, let alone ask for it? Fucking him had been one thing, but willingly consenting to him spanking her—that was madness.
“Understandable.” His gaze was so potent it was making her heady. “You’ll just have to trust me.”
Trust him?
Trust the stranger who she had bumped into at Berrunti’s. Trust her gut feeling that this was what she wanted, and not only a product of lust-fueled adrenaline. Trust the way she’d done before.
“Can you do that?” His question hung in the air as though it epitomized every problem she’d ever sought the answers to in her life. Pulling in a steadying breath, she attempted to clear her head and reply.
“I just have to trust you...” In the end, all she could do was repeat what he’d told her. She sounded dazed, as though she’d been in an accident and needed a neurological consult.
“That’s right.” His voice had morphed into that sensual purr she remembered from their previous encounter. “You have to trust me, little girl.”
Chapter Twelve
“MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE gone to the bedroom.” Draco’s tone was wry as he released her wrists and allowed them to fall to her sides.
“Wh-what about your contract?” Her gaze flitted to the place he’d dropped her case. I worked hard on that contract! “We should talk about that.”
“Of course.” He moved away, missing the tempting scent of her skin in an instant. Moira roused the dragon in him more than anyone he’d ever met. Women usually came and went without consequence, but he had the sense this one would be more difficult to let go. As absurd as the idea was, he longed to reveal the beast to her, and for the first time he started to understand why his brothers had acted so impulsively in telling their new partners about their family’s most private secret. “We can do that first if you prefer?”
“First?” She looked overcome, as if his sensible suggestion had left her stupefied.
“Before I spank you.”
He’d been looking forward to meeting again for days, but hadn’t anticipated just how scintillating the interaction would be. He’d managed to help her admit that she wanted his spanking in a matter of only moments. Imagine what else he could achieve?
The image of what that achievement might be did nothing to ease his growing need.
“I don’t know if I can concentrate on the contract knowing what’s coming...” Her brow furrowed as though she’d failed in some way.