Page 46 of Draco's Defiance
“Absolutely, we do.” Draco’s mind was working overtime as he ran the deliberations over and over. He didn’t want to offend Cole. Of all his family, Cole’s view was the one he cared about the most, but he didn’t want to upset Moira, either. Her scowling expression, though, suggested he was already losing that battle. “But it has to be at a time and in a way that works for me.”
“For you?” She shook her head as though she couldn’t believe his audacity, and as his head cleared, he heard her thoughts coming into focus. He can’t just tell me he’s a mind-reading dragon and then leave me hanging! What the hell is it with this guy? “No offense, but I’m a little more concerned that the guy I just let spank me is actually a fucking dragon!”
“Hey, watch your language.” He noticed how flustered she was becoming, the small fidgety movements exaggerated by her hardening tone. Draco didn’t especially care if she swore, but he didn’t like the direction of her attitude. Even though they’d made no promises to one another, they both deserved respect. He’d been nothing but honest with Moira, and he’d do everything he could to keep her safe. He didn’t deserve her snippy and uncooperative responses.
“My language?” Red-faced, she rose to her feet as though his comment had only thrown fuel on her fire. “Who do you think you are? My father?”
“No, I’m the guy who trusted you.” Draco couldn’t believe the performance she was putting on, and all because he’d asked for a little patience. This was a side of Moira he’d never seen before, and he didn’t much like it. “And I don’t appreciate your tone.”
“Tough.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Maybe this was a mistake.” Her attention flitted to the door. I have to leave, have to get out of here and think. “I think it’s time I was going.”
She turned on her heel and started for the exit, but catching her wrist, he held her back.
“No chance, little girl.”
He didn’t really have time for her tantrum. He had to call Cole back and figure out how to handle the new situation with Monroe’s threats, but equally, he accepted they hadn’t known each other long enough to anticipate how the other would react. He had just relayed new and unsettling information to her and he knew she’d need time to process things, but he couldn’t let her wander off into the night. Angry and confused about what she’d seen and heard, Moira could tell anyone about the Vaughns’ secrets, and then what would happen?
I can just imagine...
Balthazar would never let Draco live it down! Plus, there was still Monroe to consider. If Sebastian and Cole were right, Monroe was out there and after blood. Moira could be next on his list.
“What does that mean?” Her brow furrowed as she tried to shake off his grip with no success.
“It means, no—you’re not leaving.” Apparently, he needed to be clearer.
“What?” she practically screeched in his face. “You’re keeping me prisoner?”
“Now, isn’t that a tempting thought.” He smiled, rising to his feet and jerking her toward him before trapping her in the prison of his arms. An image of his cage came to mind again. It was right there, waiting to be utilized... It would be so easy.
But it won’t help me assist the others. Torn at the quandary, he fought for control. I need to get to Cole and Sebastian, and in the short term, that means taking Moira with me.
“Stop it!” Stamping her foot against his carpet, her face was like thunder. “You have no right to keep me here.”
“I’m trying to keep you safe.”
Gods, were women always so easily inclined to hysterics? No wonder he’d been single for so long. Suddenly, his reasoning before meeting Moira came back to him. He played the field because he was a great-looking guy who had no problems finding women for sex, and he couldn’t be bothered to play these sorts of games.
She’s worth it, though. The thought appeared in his head. You know she is.
“I can’t let you walk away if Monroe is out there.” Surely, she had to see that? “You’ve seen how deranged he can be, and apparently now he’s determined to retaliate against anyone associated with the Vaughn family.”
“Retaliate?” She shivered, wrapping her free arm around her.
“He’s dangerous.” Draco had to make her understand. “You thought he was following you before, but just imagine what he might do next.”
“But he doesn’t know I’m here,” she protested, finally easing her hand from his when his grip relented. “Doesn’t know we’re together...” She paused, her brow furrowing. Are we together?
“I’d like us to be together.” His lips curled at the uncertainty in her eyes. “And that means keeping you safe. I told him you were meeting me for lunch, remember?” Silence swirled as Moira recalled the events that had led her right to Draco. “I don’t know if he believed it, but I do know that Monroe knows who I am. If he even suspects we’re sleeping together, he’ll be out for revenge. If for no other reason, then just to aggravate my family. I only want to look after you.”
“I don’t need to be looked after.” Her chin rose.
“Is that right?” Slowly, he folded his arms across his chest.
“That is right.”
“Like in Berrunti’s, you mean?” He knew it was wrong to goad, but he couldn’t help himself.
“What?” I can’t believe he’s bringing that up again.