Page 47 of Draco's Defiance
“When you ran into the bistro on Friday with Monroe on your tail,” he clarified. “You didn’t need looking after, then?”
“That was different.” How dare he wield that against me! “I was in real trouble.”
“I know, and I was happy to help.” Draco was almost grateful to Monroe. If he hadn’t pursued her, Draco and Moira might never have met. “But we’re talking about the same loose-cannon, little girl, and now he’s really pissed off.”
“So, what are you saying?” She shrugged. “Am I some sort of captive, here? Compelled to stay on my knees for you until Monroe is rounded up?”
Dear gods, was she trying to turn him on?
“Much though I love the idea of keeping you captive—and you should definitely be on your knees—that’s not what I’m saying.”
So, what are you saying? She didn’t ask the question aloud that time.
“I’m saying you need to stay with me for the time being.” He searched her thoughts for signs of rebellion, but found nothing obvious. “I’m saying I need to help my brothers and you need to come with me so we know you’re safe. Then, once things are calmer, you meet my dragon.”
“Come with you?” Indignation spiked in her voice. “Where and for how long, Draco? I’m not a child, and while I appreciate what you’re trying to do for me, I can take care of myself.”
“You have no idea what men like Monroe are like.” Blowing out a breath, he stared at her. “They’re not like you. He won’t let a small thing like the law or decency get in the way of what he wants.” Draco knew because he’d skirted dangerously close to being one of those men himself.
“I’m an adult.” Her voice grew louder again. He needs to back off and leave me be! “I can take care of myself!”
“An adult? That’s funny.” Draco was getting tired of the conversation going around and around in circles, yet getting nowhere fast. “Because you sound like a petulant child.”
“What?” she jabbed her finger into his chest. “You don’t get to speak to me that way.”
“Moira.” How much patience did a man need to have? He was doing his best to stay calm, but she seemed desperate to push all of his buttons. “Please. I can’t risk anything happening to you. I care about you.”
There, he’d said it. He’d told her how he felt.
“I get that, but...” Her hand fell to her side. “Look, I love that you care, but I don’t like feeling caged, Draco.”
Caged? A shiver of visceral energy raced through him. Was he sure she couldn’t read his mind?
“Being trapped just makes me want to run.”
A delicious thought burst into his mind. An image of her trying to flee his lair to no avail, and then the delightful consequences he would bestow.
“If you run, then I’ll catch you.” He couldn’t stop himself from telling her what was on his mind. The woman was effectively trapped with him. She might as well start to understand who he was, and the idea of her fleeing and him hunting her was the ultimate aphrodisiac. Suddenly he couldn’t remember why he’d stopped her from turning for the door. Her proposal was so much more fun.
“Draco?” She backed away a few tiny steps. What is that supposed to mean? “Stop trying to frighten me.”
“Why not?” His heart rate sped up as her eyes widened. “Why not frighten you when we both enjoy it so much?”
“Enjoy it?” Oh Lord, he’s actually mad! I’m stuck in this swanky pad with a madman, and even worse, I’m starting to fall for him! “I don’t enjoy it!”
“Why are you lying?” He couldn’t get over how hot she was when her pulse accelerated and her senses heightened. That’s what was happening as her gaze flitted around the room. Just like before, she was wondering where her fastest exit was, and how far she’d get before he caught up with her.
“I’m not lying.” Retreating another few strides, she glanced around, her racing heart a testament to her rising anxiety. “I don’t like this, Draco. Stop it!”
He watched as she withdrew to the door, his lips twitching at her as her mind scattered. She was afraid. That much was obvious, but there was something else going on inside her incredible mind, as well. Something that made him salivate.
Is he joking? Her brows knitted as she grasped for the doorframe. Is he going to chase me? Does he want to hurt me?
“I’ve already said I won’t hurt you.” He stood his ground, assessing her reactions carefully. Her chest was rising and falling faster than before, the fear and desire swilling around her in equal measure.
“You spanked me!” She spat out the words.
“You wanted me to spank you.” Let’s see how she wriggled out of that little quandary. The relatively restrained spanking he’d bestowed upon her gorgeous backside barely constituted one at all. If Moira wanted to see a real spanking, he could certainly help her with that. “There’s no point lying about it now.”