Page 1 of Stay With Me
Chapter 1
Why did I think this was a good idea? Of all the things I could have chosen to do, why this?
Because it’s the best option that pays the most.
Why do student loans have to cost so much? I went to school to become a nurse, to help people in need, but right now all that I have to show for my multiple years of schooling is a mountain of debt.
I’ve only chosen to take a side job because I don’t want to worry about spending the next twenty years of my life breaking my back to not only be able to support myself but to also pay off my shiny new pile of debt. I want to be able to travel, to see the world when I can, and to enjoy my life... not spend it working to pay off bills. And I sadly realized that a nursing job just isn’t going to make that possible. Especially since I can’t even get a damn interview at the local hospital.
One night, while I was waitressing at the little diner down the street from my apartment, a well-dressed woman came in to eat. As I served her, we got to talking, and she asked me why I was working there. So, I told her my story while she sat there and listened to every word I had to say. When I was done, she told me what she did to support herself and handed me her business card with the instruction to call her if I wanted to pursue a more lucrative career opportunity. Her name was Madame Millie, and she was the headmistress of Million Dollar Babes.
When I got home from work, I spent hours looking at the card, wondering if this would be a good decision for me.
Two short weeks later and here I am... getting ready to see my first client on my first day of working as a high-end escort.
A part of me wonders if it might’ve been less scandalous if I had just tried to get a job at the strip club across town. I’ve spoken to a few of the girls who come into the diner after their shifts, and they’re always talking about how much they made that night. It was always a decent amount. And if that was just one night, then imagine what they make monthly. If I chose to dance, then I’d only be showing my body to strangers, but by becoming an escort, it will very likely involve having sex with the clientele.
Millie told me that in rare cases older gentlemen will pay for a few hours just to have someone keep them company, someone to talk to. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get a few of those types of clients.
In the end, there were a few reasons I picked the escort route... like the very important fact that I can’t dance to save my life. But one of the biggest deciding factors was how Millie mentioned that most of the clients are rich, attractive men. It’s not just the money I care about. I told Millie I only wanted to meet with gentlemen between the ages of thirty and forty-five. I like them older, more experienced. I want to be with a man who knows what he’s doing and can take care of my needs while I take care of his. Even better, if I’m getting paid good money to do it.
I’m not ashamed of my body or sex in general. Sex is fun, freeing, andwith the right partner, it could be everything.
“Ava?” my best friend and roommate, Natasha, yells from somewhere in our two-bedroom apartment.
“In here!” I call out from inside the bathroom while looking myself over in the mirror. I blink, wondering if it’s even the same woman looking back at me.
Her head pops into the doorway. “Damn, girl!” She whistles, stepping fully inside the bathroom. “You look amazing.”
“Really?” I ask, turning my gaze to meet hers as butterflies flutter around in my belly. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Nah.” She shakes her head. “But, I mean, how long will it even be on your body?” she asks as she gives me a mischievous grin.
I blush, biting my pink, glossy lip as I look back at my reflection. “This is crazy, right? What am I even doing?”
“Babe, you’re twenty-two. You’re an adult, and you can do whatever you want with your body. It’s not like you’re working for some low-level pimp who’s going to sell you off to whoever is willing to pay the bare minimum. You said Madame Millie runs a clean business, right?”
“Yes.” I nod. “She makes sure all her employees and clients have regular STD testing, background checks, and she personally gets to know them before allowing them to be alone with any of her girls.”
“I think if this is what you want to do, you should go for it. Who knows, maybe you’ll even meet a sexy older man and become his regular. Then you won’t need to take on any more clients. Or better yet, fall madly in love with him and live happily ever after,” she teases, wiggling her eyebrows.
“A girl can dream.” I giggle.
“Here, let me do your hair.”
Tasha takes all my long blonde hair and styles it into a fishtail braid. When she’s done, I look myself over again. I have on a cute black bra that pushes up my boobs, drawing your attention to the little white frills on the straps and panties to match.
“Go get ’em, tiger!” She winks before kissing me on the cheek and slapping my ass on her way out of the room.
Going to my closet, I get the coat that goes down past my knees and slip on a pair of heels.
Looking down at my phone, I see that the client I’m meeting is staying at the Royal Heights Hotel. There’s no name, just a room number. How odd. It’s no big deal, I’ll just learn it when I get there, not that I think names are going to matter all too much.
“Oh, Ava,” Tasha says as I walk through the living room, heading toward the front door.
“Yeah?” I stop and turn toward her.