Page 2 of Stay With Me
“I just got a text from my dad! He’s in town for the week on business. He wants to get together as much as he can while he’s here.”
“That’s amazing.” I smile at her. Tasha and her dad, Roman, are close; they’re pretty much best friends. It’s cute how much she adores him.
His name always makes my body flush.
I have a dirty little secret that no one knows about, not even Tasha. I’ve been in love with her father since... well, as long as I can remember. Okay, maybe not in love, but I’ve had a crush so big that he’s the only guy I’ve thought about for years growing up. He’s also the main reason I have a thing for older men.
I didn’t grow up with much, my mom and dad did what they could to provide for me and my older brother. I went to public school, which is where I met Tasha. Only, unlike me, her family is loaded.
But her dad didn’t want her to grow up and become a spoiled rich kid, so he enrolled her in public school with the common folk like me.
Right away, Tasha and I hit it off, destined to be best friends. My dad became friendly enough with Mr. Knight so Tasha and I could have play dates and see each other outside of school.
I’ve always thought Roman was a nice man. But as I got older, I started to see Roman as more than just Tasha’s dad, and my thing for older men was born. Ever since I was sixteen, he’s been the star of my fantasies as I explored my body for the very first time. His name was the one I moaned as I gave myself my first orgasm.
Of course, I told no one about this fantasy life I’ve built up in my mind. Not only is he my best friend’s dad, but he’s also eighteen years older than me. It was wrong, no matter how right it felt to my body or my heart.
“I’ll tell him you said hi. You should come out with us for dinner one night before he leaves,” she requests.
“Maybe, if I’m not working,” I tell her.
“I’m sure you would have a lot more fun getting your brains fucked by sexy older men,” she says, pouting before giving me a wicked grin.
Rolling my eyes, I can’t help but blush. I might be willing to explore my sexuality and be adventurous—I mean, you only get one life to live, so why not use it to have mind-blowing sex with hot-as-hell men—but I’m not as outgoing and confident as Tasha. If it wasn’t for her, I would never have gone to parties in high school or hung out with boys. Hell, it was Tasha who pretty much got me my first boyfriend because I didn’t even have the guts to talk to him, so she broke the ice for me.
Saying goodbye to Tasha, I head down to the parking lot and get in my car. The hotel is on the other side of town. I don’t bother with GPS because I know where I’m going. It’s kind of hard to miss the massive resort.
When I get there, I park on the street behind the hotel on the side of the road, not wanting to pay for parking. Turning the car off, I sit there, looking up at the tall building looming over the city. I can do this. If it’s too much, I can always leave.
I sit here as long as I can before I have to head inside. Taking a deep breath, I get out and start walking.
As I get closer to the front entrance, the panic starts to set in. What if he’s mean, forceful, or tries to make me do something I’m not comfortable with? Millie said we never have to do anything if it’s not something we truly want to do. But what if he doesn’t give me a choice?
Stopping outside the front door, I take a few deep breaths. It’s alright; this isn’t some sleazy hotel. If something were to happen, I’m sure I’d be able to get help. Plus, I have my phone on me.
Sliding my hand into my pocket, I wrap my fingers around the pepper spray.
This is stupid. I’m going home. There’s no way I can just go up there and fuck some random stranger.
Panicking, I grab my phone and text Millie that I can’t do this.
A few seconds later, she sends me a text asking if I’m sure and that this client is offering five thousand an hour. A fucking hour!
Staring at the phone, I debate if it’s worth it. My stupid loans are well over eighty thousand. A few hours with this man tonight could pay a good chunk of that off.
Who knows, maybe he will end up liking me enough to request me again. A few nights with him would pay everything off. And if this job isn’t for me, then I’m free and clear. I can just worry about my normal bills and working my shifts at the diner until I get hired as a nurse.
Letting out a shaky sigh, I text her back, telling her I’ll do it.
Tucking my phone into my pocket, I slip inside the hotel. Giving the receptionist a polite smile, I head over to the elevator.
Stepping in, I look at the floor numbers and press floor nineteen. Once I reach the floor,I notice there are only four doors. The rooms are 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904.
Looking down at my phone, I read the number 1902.
Before I can talk myself out of this again, I walk to the door, raise my hand, and knock. My body is humming with nerves, my belly flipping with anticipation as I wait for my client to open the door with my eyes cast to the ground.
A few seconds later, the door finally opens.