Page 106 of Risk
“And you’re all mine.”
My smile broadens. “I know.”
“I’m going to make you so happy, Leah.”
“I know.” He already does.
“Do you know everything?”
“Pretty much.” I drag my tongue across my teeth to get the icing off. “I’m well read. Ask me anything.”
“What are we going to do next?”
“Easy. We’re going home and you’re going to fuck my brains out.”
Mason acts shocked. “My God. You really do know everything.”
“It’s one of my many lovely and admirable qualities.”
He kisses me and says, “I know.”
Chapter 32
By the time we get home, my mind’s calmer, clearer, and the peace I’ve longed for has settled in my system. They say people come into your life at just the right time. Leah came exactly when I needed her most and I will be forever grateful.
She drops her clutch on the first flat surface she sees. “I can’t wait to get out of these shoes.”
I scoop her up. There’s no reason for her to walk another step. I’m frustrated she wore those damn heels all night if they hurt her feet so badly. Carrying her upstairs, I bring her into the bedroom and put her down on the side of the bed. Without a word, I kneel and bring her foot up to rest on my leg. Unstrapping her heels and removing them, I massage the back of her calf for a few seconds, before lifting her up to stand. “Turn around, Princess.”
Gathering her long hair, I slip it over her shoulder and press a kiss to her neck while dragging the zipper all the way down her back. Hooking my fingers under the straps, the dress falls effortlessly to her feet.
I can relate.
I’ll happily spend the rest of my life at this woman’s feet. Worshipping her. Loving her. Spoiling her. Leah’s happiness means everything to me. I didn’t know love could strike as fast as lightning, but I’m proof that when the woman you’re meant to be with walks into your life, your soul knows immediately.
Nipping her neck, I knead her breasts. They’re full and soft, spilling out of my hands. Greedy for more, I run my fingers down her sides and across her belly. Leah’s body is a treasure trove. From her golden, wavy hair, to her big heart, to her pretty little pink toes.
I’m the richest man in the world because I have her.
“Come on, Princess.” I carry her into the bathroom and sit her on my lap while starting a bath.
She kisses me hard, hungrily, while taking off layer after layer of my tuxedo. First the tie, then the jacket, vest, and shirt. By the time she gets to my belt buckle, she’s breathing heavily.
“Does my girl want to get fucked before or after her bath?”
“Before.” She yanks on my fly. “And after.”
So needy. I love it. “Whatever you want, Princess.”
“Wait.” Leah’s eyes widen. “Can… can we record this?”
“Absolutely.” I thought she’d never ask.
Dashing out of the bathroom, Leah squeals as she hunts for her phone. It’s in her purse downstairs, which gives me time to work on a surprise I’ve been keeping.
The cat’s out of the bag about Leah, and I’m relieved. There will be publicity spiraling round us, and they’re going to use Daisy Ren or her cleaning career to tear us down. It won’t work.