Page 107 of Risk
What a one-eighty tonight has been. A couple of weeks ago, I would have done anything to protect Leah from the ugliness of my world. Tonight, she showed me that staring in the face of those who would tear you down is the best way to build yourself up.
When Leah returns, she’s flushed with excitement. “I’ve been wanting to discuss something with you.”
The tub is halfway filled, so I pour bubbles in.
“Is it your secret business?”
Finally! I’ve been dying to know about it but didn’t want to pressure her. I understand her desire to keep some news under wraps until the right time. “Let’s hear it.”
“I’ve had this idea for a while.” She tucks her hair behind her ears. “It’s a multi-faceted sex site.”
I love it already. “Go on.”
“I’m in the final stages of having the whole site built. It’s geared towards women, with the content being slower and more sensual.” She looks nervous. “Like the videos you’ve recorded of us—especially the one with you looking up at me from between my thighs.” Her breath shudders and nipples harden. “It’s those scenes that are most perfect. Every woman wants someone to look at them the way you look at me.”
My heart pounds like a battering ram in my chest. Where is she going with this?
“I was wondering, if you… like if you’re willing to… record more scenes like that with me.” She looks so shy right now. “We can one hundred percent be masked, so our faces aren’t recognizable.”
Blurring our faces is a no-go if she wants people to see the way I look at her while I pleasure her.
I tip my head to the side. “Are you asking if I’d make porn with you, Princess?”
She bites her lip. Her little crinkle is back too. “Yes?” She waves her hand. “And it’s totally okay if you say no. I won’t pressure you. I just thought… well, I’m moving forward with this business, and I want to be the first to post something on it. If I can market it from the start to be a place where sex and sensuality meet in a combustive connection, there’s no better example than the two of us.”
The bubbles in the tub multiply, piling up like soft floral scented clouds in the water. The steam in the room builds and thickens.
Leah is starting a new business. I’m so fucking proud of her.
Of course, I’m going to support the hell out of it.
I make my way over to her slowly. For once, I’m not going to worry about the repercussions of my actions. I’m not going to overthink or fear what others may say about me doing something I enjoy, even if they think it’s unconventional. I’m not holding back anymore.
My girl wants to bring her side hustle to the next level, and I will support her every step of the way. “Okay.”
Leah lights up. “Really?”
“Really.” I kiss her forehead. “This will be fun.”
“And scary.”
“Most new endeavors are.” I wrap her hair around my hand and give it a tug. “I’ll never say no to an opportunity to show you off, Princess. You have no idea how the thought of everyone craving you turns me on.”
She moans against me. “I think you’re the one they’ll be dying for, Mason.”
“And how does that make you feel?”
She grabs my hand, lowering it to her pussy. “Feel for yourself.”
She’s wetter than the tub.
“God damn.”
Lifting her up, I carry her back over to the bath and put her in it. “Wait! I thought we were going to fuck first!”
“Honey, for the way I plan to rail you tonight, you’re going to need your limbs loose. Heat helps.”