Page 25 of Twisted Heathens
Fidgeting nervously, she picks at the scabbed skin around her fingernails while waiting for my response. I stare back at her for a wordless second, until an easy smile finds its way to my lips. Fuck, I’m going soft.
“What’s your name?”
“It’s Teegan. You?”
“Brooklyn. And I’m good sitting here, thanks.”
She matches my smile enthusiastically, a blush creeping up her neck. Attention turns to the teacher as he calls the class to order, launching into a lecture that has my eyes drooping. His voice literally drills into my head. Probably doesn’t help that I had another night of tossing in sweaty sheets to a chorus of hissing voices before jogging without eating first.
I’m slowly fading with each passing day.
What would happen if I just stopped? Didn’t eat, sleep or drink. Would I just slip away piece by piece? Or go insane from hunger, my mind giving in just before my body does? Maybe I’d fall back into the grip of psychosis. That thought leaves a sour taste in my mouth as I swallow hard. I’d fling myself off a roof before going through that again.
“Hey, why’s the TA staring at you?”
I quickly look up, following Teegan’s line of sight. Sure enough, a pair of hazel eyes stare back at me. Perfectly contrasting with his crisp white shirt, sans tie today. Kade looks rough, unlike his usual perfect self. His sandy blonde hair is tousled rather than neatly combed, buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular forearms.
“He’s the assistant?” I whisper back.
“Yeah, he actually goes here too. But he helps out in the lower level classes and with the office stuff. It’s weird.”
How convenient. What’s with all the leeway Kade’s been given? He’s treated more like a guest than a patient. It doesn’t make sense. This is supposed to be a maximum-security treatment program. Not some free-for-all hippy-haven where we all sing hakuna fucking matata.
“Any idea what he’s in for?” I ask.
“Nope. His brother’s a right loose cannon though.”
Brother? He kept that quiet, the other two as well. What are the odds of two brothers ending up here? Not fucking likely, unless being a head case runs in the family, in which case, ditto.
What exactly are you playing at, Kade?
The class passes in a blur, with Teegan leaning over to copy my answers and beguiling me with more of her compulsions. When she walked the perimeter of the room three times before handing our sheets in, no one even batted an eye. She soon laughed it off and by lunchtime, I’m feeling rather protective of her. All the cruel nicknames tossed around seem to upset me more than her.
She’s conditioned to the bullying, whereas I’m contemplating kicking all these motherfuckers’ asses to teach them a lesson. This is hardly the right place to judge others. I mean come on, none of us are functioning adults, or else we wouldn’t be here. This place is a cesspit of failure and dysfunction.
“Brooklyn, can we talk?”
Kade trails over as we pack up, which mostly consists of me standing awkwardly, eyes on Teegan’s smart backpack and stationery supplies. The embarrassment is a familiar feeling, I spent most of my years in education being jealous of others, with their shiny new phones and hole-free clothing.
I fold my arms as we face off. “About what?”
“Just to catch up. It’s been a couple of days.”
His eyes are wide, almost pleading.
“I’m busy, Kade.”
“Please, it’ll only take a second.”
Sighing, I give Teegan a nod of reassurance. She’s antsy, shifting about while trying not to eye Kade too obviously. We say an awkward goodbye and eventually she shuffles off, touching each seat in turn as she passes. The classroom slowly empties until it’s just us.
“What’s this about?” I sigh.
“I just wanted to make sure that you are settling in okay.”
He seems genuine, but I can’t help but doubt his intentions anyway. Trust doesn’t exactly come easily to me. Especially not when it involves the opposite sex. Never trust a guy, especially the sweet ones. They’ll burn you just as good as the others.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”