Page 56 of Twisted Heathens
“What makes you think that I want to be saved?!”
He just looks at me like I’m mad, full of judgement and something resembling pity. Hatred sits heavily in my gut as I stand and slap him firmly across the face for a second time.
“If you don’t leave me alone, I’ll report you and have you thrown into solitary,” I threaten. “How would you like that? I can assure you, it ain’t fun down there.”
Hudson rubs his cheek, frowning in confusion. “You’re kidding me, right? Are you that stubborn? Give it up, blackbird. I’m done fighting you.”
“I’m not stupid, you brain dead dickwipe. Just pissed off, and you seem to have forgotten why we’re no longer together.” I glare daggers down at him, wishing I had a knife to slip into his gut again. “You can’t just come strolling in after all these years and start acting like you give a shit. Not happening. It’s too fucking late for that.”
I turn my back before he can answer, pushing past gasping patients and guards shouting their instructions. Phoenix tries to grab me as I pass him, but I quickly storm off, unable to bear any of them for a second longer. I feel Hudson’s eyes on me all the way across the quad.
Of course, he doesn’t have the guts to follow me though. If only he cared this much before, we wouldn’t be in this position.
Toxic Lovers by Mass of Man & Masetti
I wrap the duct tape tight around Scott’s wrists, leaving him no room to wiggle as I attach them to my bed frame. Giving my handiwork a tug to check, he doesn’t budge. He’s firmly restrained and unable to move an inch without my permission.
Staring down at his light brown eyes, his lashes frame innocence and anticipation. Scott’s far too meek and breakable to handle this, but I don’t care. I’m not one for exercising my conscience often.
“N-Nix? It’s a bit tight,” Scott whines, biting his bottom lip.
I stare blankly at him. “Do I look like I care?”
Bet Brooklyn wouldn’t complain if she were the one tied to my bed. Hell, I’d bet my life that she’d love it. But the narrow-minded, stubborn bitch herself is still avoiding us, and I’m fucking done with being ignored.
Scott sighs, batting those thick lashes at me. “I came to have some fun, but you’re being a dick. Lighten up, will you?”
Pulling my hand back, I slap him firmly across the face. I relish the tears that spring in his eyes and the glorious red mark that appears. Don’t feel sorry for him, his cock is harder than steel right now. I can see it bulging against his sweatpants.
“Shut the hell up, man. You came because you’re bored. We’re under curfew because of the fire, so behave or I won’t lay a fucking finger on you or your cock tonight. Got that?”
He nods obediently. The little freak loves being roughed up, and I’m more than happy to do all the punishing. I hurt him because he reacts, and it’s oh-so sweet. Least I can get that out of someone, even if it isn't the person I truly want.
“Don’t say another word,” I warn.
Scott just keeps smiling and nods, drawing in a sharp breath. I pull my dick free and palm it in my hand, watching his eyes travel down. He licks his lips as I rub myself, enjoying the feel of his eyes on my skin, but he’s powerless to move. I’ve got him all trussed up with nowhere to go. That’s the good thing about a metal bed.
“Please, Nix… Please…”
“What did I say? Keep your goddamn mouth shut.”
To further illustrate my point, I silence him by shoving my dick deep into his throat. He gags and moans, teardrops leaking down his face as I choke him with my hard cock. I can tell that despite my roughness, he's actually enjoying it.That's the sick truth.
People love to cry victim and play the innocent card. When really, we're all equally fucked up in our own way. Only difference is, some wear it on their sleeves, while others live a lie. Denying themselves the pleasure of taking exactly what they want, when they want it.
As my dick hits the back of his throat, I moan at the shockwaves of pleasure. Even if this feels wrong, like I’m betraying my own feelings somehow by screwing him.
“Fuck yeah…” I mumble.
Scott means nothing to me, just like the rest of them don’t. He’s a means to an end. I’ll take whatever I can get to escape this world. It used to be drugs, but in my sobriety, I have to rely on sex instead.
Dammit, some nights… I’d kill for a hit.
Just one more time.