Page 57 of Twisted Heathens
Loosening his restraints enough to roughly flip him over, I run my finger over the ring of muscle ready and waiting for me. All the while, those damned grey eyes are stuck in my head. She won’t leave me alone.
Am I sick for wanting to march over to her room and throw the past right in her pretty face? Spank her until she bleeds and tell her she’s a filthy fucking sinner? That would get a reaction. I just want her to acknowledge my existence. I’m desperate for a fix and nothing else cuts it. She’s lured me in with her sad smiles and blood thirst, before pushing me away like nothing happened in that classroom on her first day.
I discard people when I’m done with them, not the other way around.
Scott grunts as I roughly fuck him from behind, my nails dragging down his back and leaving angry red marks. I have to shut my eyes to block him out, pretending instead that it’s Brooklyn writhing beneath me, moaning and sweating as I give her something that she won’t be able to ignore. That’s enough to finish me off and I spill my load.
Shoving Scott aside when I’m done, I leave him gasping for breath and straining against the tape. Grabbing the scissors from my desk, I swiftly cut through the restraints, freeing his exhausted body. Avoiding his searching eyes of course, because I don’t do feelings. It’s nothing personal.
“Want me to come back tomorrow?” he asks hopefully.
I collapse into my desk chair and grab a beer from the stash hidden in the fake bottom, without bothering to offer him one. “Nope. One time’s enough, I’ll find someone else for then.”
He swallows hard and stands, pulling his sweats up as he readies to escape. “Fine then. You know where to find me if you change your mind.”
With a final lingering look, he’s gone. Slipping back into the darkened corridor, running fast to avoid being caught by the patrols. I don’t bother to turn or say another word, my thoughts consumed by another. I feel guilty, which only infuriates me off further. Why should I be sorry? It’s her goddamn fault. I haven’t done anything wrong but I’m still getting the silent treatment. We’ve all been lumped into the naughty corner together.
I need answers.
Quickly showering before I redress, I feel trapped in my own skin. Even the quickie with Scott hasn’t calmed me. If anything, I feel more rattled than before. I slip out into the corridor, waiting for the patrolling guard to turn his back and march back in the other direction.
We’re on lockdown for the night but this doesn’t stop me; I can easily blend into the shadows and move without seeing. Becoming one with the darkness that eagerly welcomes me home.
I glance at Brooklyn’s room as I pass, the light spilling out from beneath the door. The temptation to walk in reaches fever pitch but I refrain, forcing myself to go to Hudson’s door instead. The guys are inside, playing cards and watching football on his big TV. Having rich adoptive parents pays, I guess. It’s twice the size of mine.
“Hey,” I greet.
Their heads turn as I snag a bag of chips from his desk, plonking myself down on the bed next to Eli. Kade and Hudson resume their game of poker, and Eli shuffles to make space for me on the mattress. His head is back in another book, even quieter than usual after the morning’s drama.
“Thought you had company?” Kade asks.
“Got bored. Thought I’d come and annoy you lot instead.”
Hudson throws down his cards, grinning smugly at his brother. “Royal flush, motherfucker. You lose. Again.”
Kade frowns. “You’re a cheat.”
“Nope, just better than you. You’re overthinking it, that’s the problem,” Hudson snickers. “Aren’t you mathematicians supposed to be clever and shit?”
“Don’t start with me again. I’m not in the mood.”
“Not my fault you’re a sore fucking loser.”
Kade gets up with an angry huff and heads over to the packed shelf next to the bed, shuffling a couple textbooks out of the way and grabbing one of the cans of soda hidden behind. We had to restock after the big sweep the other night. Every now and then, the authorities get uptight and try to exert their power over us. Like we’re not all adept at hiding stuff by now. You learn quick living in this place.
Hudson shuffles the cards again. “You want in?”
I consider him for a moment. “What’s the stakes?”
“Well, Kade’s doing my essays for a week. What you got to offer?”
I shrug. “I know what I want, but you ain’t gonna like it.”
“Try me,” he counters.
“I want to know what happened between you and Brooklyn.”
Hudson chews his lip for a moment, eyes focused on the cards in his hands. I can tell that I’ve hit a sore spot, but I don’t care. I need to know what happened, it’s been driving me crazy for weeks and I can’t wait a second longer.