Page 83 of Twisted Heathens
We slip into the large room, heading towards the back where chairs are lined up in a rough circle. I can practically see the tension leaking from Teegan as she chooses a spot, hands gliding over the plastic arms and legs four times before she sits down.
“Here’s good,” she confirms.
Chatter continues around us as I take in my surroundings, the expensively carpeted floor and wallpaper, chandeliers casting warm light. Some of the group are dressed casually in sweats or pyjamas, while others wear jeans and actual clothing. The one’s dressed down seem to be more out of it, eyes glassy or mouths slack. Then there’s the walking skeletons, bones protruding as they eye up other people’s weight. When Britt strolls in and shoots me a glare, I fight the urge to get up and leave.
“Ignore her,” Teegan whispers. “When her hair falls out and she’s got a feeding tube shoved up her nose, she’ll be the one on the receiving end of hate for once.”
I shake my head, despite the smile twisting my lips. “You’re evil.”
“Nope. Just realistic. Did I hear that you two had a fight in the cafeteria?”
“Hardly a fight.” I shrug, playing it off. “A few days ago, she threw her drink at me out of pointless jealousy. I doubt she’ll be doing it again, or I’ll break her gangly fucking legs just to make a point.”
More people trickle in, gradually filling up the room as Teegan leans closer. “No way! That bitch. Besides, aren’t her and Hudson a thing? I thought you’re with Eli?”
I shush her before anyone can hear. “No! How many times do I have to tell you, it’s nothing serious. She is with Hudson, sort of. But we have… history,” I finish lamely.
“Oh man, now this I’ve got to hear. How come you’re pulling all the cute ones?”
I deliberately look at Todd, seated by the door and cleaning his glasses on his loose band tee. “Thought you two were… you know.” I waggle my eyebrows at Teegan, who blushes beet red. “Didn’t you go to movie night together?”
“Yes,” she admits with a nervous chuckle. “But turns out, stealing a quickie when you’re more worried about the lack of coordination in his bedroom is near impossible.”
“Girl, your brain is exhausting,” I joke.
“I know. Hilarious.” Todd smiles at her across the room and Teegan quickly looks away, cursing under her breath as her hands shake. “Maybe you’ve got a point.”
The room falls quiet and the door bangs open, a short woman with strawberry pink hair walking in. Her bright shirt and loose linen trousers are instantly recognisable to me, and when she turns, I almost laugh in pleasant surprise. She hasn’t changed one bit in the months since I last saw her.
“Morning campers! How’re we all doing today?” Sadie chirps, grabbing a chair and sitting down. “Great to see y’all again. Let’s get started, shall we?”
As everyone seems to relax, eyes automatically closing and taking deep breaths, Sadie finally sees me. Her mouth drops open, eyebrows raising in utter shock. I offer her an awkward wave and a smile. Later, she mouths, finally giving me a grin.
“Great, let’s begin with our mindfulness exercise.”
A lot of pointless breathing and gratitude shit later, we’re given Post-it notes and kiddie pencils. Sadie makes sure everyone has one before clapping her hands together.
“For the sake of our new members, let’s just do a bit of an intro. My name’s Sadie, I’m a trainee psychologist here at Blackwood. In these group sessions we are working on our coping skills using teamwork and collaboration. Any questions?”
Awkward silence ensues, but nothing fazes Sadie. She’s a perpetual fountain of enthusiasm, always has been. “Good! Perhaps our newcomers would like to introduce themselves.” Her eyes land on me. “Would you like to start?”
I glare daggers at her. She knows how I feel about being put on the spot. Back when she led the group sessions in Clearview, I seem to remember telling her to go to hell when she asked me to recite a poem. No fucking thanks.
“Sure,” I grit out. “I’m Brooklyn, been here five weeks or so.”
“Got an interesting fact for us, Brooklyn?” she presses.
“Yeah, she’s a fucking whore.” Someone coughs.
I immediately meet Britt’s malicious gaze. Sniggers sound throughout the room as all eyes land on me, and I have to physically restrain myself from getting up and smashing that bitch’s head into the wall.
“Sure,” I state acidly. “Despite popular belief, I’m not a fucking whore. And anyone that thinks so is welcome to tell me to my face. I’ll make the hole look like a vacation.”
I give her a wan smile and cross my arms, everyone’s attention suddenly ceasing. Sadie coughs to smother her laughter. “Well, thanks for that. Just a gentle reminder, this is a non-violent space. We’re here to heal and grow. Who’s next?”
Heal and grow.
I haven’t missed those words being recited to me.