Page 133 of Trusting You
I don’t know what time it is. I only care in the sense of when I next can see Lily, and I think it’s still night.
Astor’s been in and out of here, so have the guys, but I don’t recall too much of it. I’ve refused morphine or any other kind of drug, so I’m dealing with a shriveled-up lung and a raging knee as best as I can.
I haven’t been able to see Lily. No one’s let her down here, and they won’t until I’m stable enough.
I’m fucking stable enough, damn it.
I lean to my side, kind of, searching for the nurse’s call button so I can use it for the tenth time in the past hour. I’m an annoying little fucker, but they aren’t forced to have their ass cheeks exposed every time someone needs to see them, so I win.
I’m about to press it when my door opens, and the first thing I see is tow-headed curls spiraling out of a beaming face.
Lily shrieks and claps at the sight of me, and is soon followed by Carter, who’s holding her.
“Oh, Lil,” I say, and I can’t stop the tears in my voice. “Daddy’s so happy to see you.”
“She’s all right,” Carter says as she steps up to the side of my bed. “Not even a bandage. Just a small bruise on the back of her head.”
“Thank you.” I spare a longing look at Carter before centering on Lily. “Can I hold her?”
“I don’t know…”
I’m already pressing the up arrow to raise the headboard of my bed. “Please, Carter.”
I don’t think I’ve ever begged anyone for anything. But here and now, I’m willing to cry if it means holding my baby.
After some thought, Carter nods. She gently settles Lily against my chest. Lily goes straight for my mouth, pinching my lower lip between her fingers.
“Ow,” I say, but it’s muffled.
“She missed you.” Carter’s smile is genuine, but it’s only directed at Lily.
“I missed her. I’m so, so glad she’s okay. You taking her home?”
Carter nods. “Astor’s going to take us, settle us back into your place. But I’ll be back with her in a few hours. Give you some rest.”
“Carter, I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t.” Carter shakes her head. “It’s not necessary.”
“It is. All of it. Astor told me…well, she told me she blew up my spot again with you, and I’d like to explain my side of things.”
“About Paige?”
I’m alert enough to realize she’s playing dumb, but what I don’t know is why. “Yeah, about Paige.”
“Like I said, unnecessary.” Carter’s tone is clipped. “The doctors explained you’ll be here a few days at least, maybe a week. I want you to know Lily’s in good hands, and I’ll bring her to see you whenever you want.”
I gently pull Lily’s hands away from my mouth so I can speak. “Carter, I know you will. I never questioned Lily’s safety while I’m in here. Or that I wouldn’t get to see her.”
Carter dares to meet my eyes before she skirts away again. “From here on out, everything I do, it will be for Lily.”
I draw my brows down. “Carter…”
“There are two weeks left until I go back to Florida. I’ll finish up, start packing up my paintings, boxing up my stuff. By the time you get back to your place, I’ll book a hotel.”