Page 20 of Angel Betrayed
“I’ll take you to your brother,” Seline offered, “but you have to promise to help me once you have him.” Couldn’t the Fallen see the benefit to her offer? She’d thought to seduce her way into getting his aid. Put the guy under, get him hooked on her—and then she’d been sure he’d do anything for her.
Even kill.
But it looked like Plan A wasn’t working so well. Time for the back-up plan.
Sam moved again in that blur that he seemed to do so well and snagged her wrist. “Still making deals? Don’t you know better than to bargain with the devil?”
Her laughter was bitter and weak. “I do. The bargain with him is what got me into this mess.” She let her glamour fall away, and she knew that her eyes would be as black as the water that surrounded them. “I want to be free, and you—you’re the only one who can help me.” Now that she knew what he was, Seline was even more certain that Sam was her ticket to freedom.
Freedom just had a hefty price tag these days.
“Another desperate appeal for my help?” he mocked.
She considered slugging him. Right. Like a hit would hurt Sam. She’d probably break her hand, and he wouldn’t even flinch. “A deal this time. You help me to walk away, and I let you live.” He should jump at this chance.
But Sam shook his head. “No dice, sweetheart. You take me to my brother.” He tugged her into the boat. “You get me to him or you?—”
Seline kissed him. She pressed her lips tightly against his and crushed her body to Sam’s. The kiss was hot, deep, wild, and when their tongues met, lust exploded inside her.
And inside him because she could feel Sam’s need blooming in the air. Getting deeper, stronger. Hotter. Wilder.
Seline took that need, absorbing it greedily even as she rubbed her body against his. Oh, but Sam had power. So much wonderful, tempting power.
Power that is mine now.
Taking that power, absorbing it—the energy gave her the boost she needed. She didn’t have to be inside a dream in order to take control from him. She could beat Sam right here in reality.
But she let the kiss linger. Just a moment longer. One minute. Two. Sam knew how to kiss, and his body promised such raw pleasure.
Next time.
She planted her hands against his chest. Should have seen this coming, Sam. Seline shoved him back just as she’d done in the dream-walk. Only this time, her throw packed one hell of a lot more punch.
He landed in the water with a splash. Gator bait. She grabbed the throttle and rammed it home. The boat lurched forward.
Sam would chase her. She knew it. Shaking him wouldn’t be an easy task.
Of course, she didn’t actually want to shake him. She just wanted to bring him in closer to base.
Whether Sam liked it or not, they were going to be partners. He could hate her, he could distrust her, but in the end, he’d need her. Just as she needed him.
Seline swiped a hand over her mouth. I can still taste him. Sam’s taste was incredible. Better than that fancy wine she’d grown to crave.
“Seline!” His roar sent birds and insects scattering into the air.
She smiled. Sam was turning out to be exactly what she’d expected. Killing him would have been a crying shame. Some monsters needed to be put down, true, but others...
Others just needed to be let out of their cages so they could attack the real bastards out there. Watch out, Rogziel. This time, you’re my target.
The angel would never know what hit him.
Time for him to be punished.
Chapter Four
Darkness still cloaked the city. Seline walked slowly down the street as the scent of the river teased her nose. Sam hadn’t followed her. She’d looked back—too many times to count—but she’d only seen the dark water.
She hunched her shoulders as she hurried forward. Just because he hadn’t followed her then sure didn’t mean she wouldn’t be seeing her Fallen again soon.