Page 21 of Angel Betrayed
A rush of wind blew against her face, and her hair flew up, momentarily blocking her vision. Her hand rose to brush it back, but her fingers tangled with?—
“Hello, Seline.”
Her body tightened at that husky rumble.
Half of Sam’s mouth kicked up in a reckless smile. “Didn’t think I’d let you get away that easily, did you?”
“No.” Her hand fell. “I was sure you wouldn’t.” But shoving him into that icy water had felt good. She offered him her own smile. “Enjoy your swim?” Not that she could tell he’d even been in the water. His clothes were perfectly dry. He was breathing easily and not looking at all like he’d just raced out of the swamp to meet her in the New Orleans warehouse district.
His hand brushed back her hair. His touch was gentle, lover-like, but his gaze blazed with a banked fury. Hmmm. Maybe not so banked.
“Tell me where my brother is.”
She ignored the ball of fear swirling in her gut. “I asked for a deal, remember? So either you agree…” She knocked his hand aside and walked around him. Keep walking, don’t look back. Act like you’ve got this. “Or we’re done,” she tossed out as she stared straight ahead.
Her lips pressed together, but her steps continued. Four A.M. The city was dead. Well, mostly. The rest of it was undead.
“I could make you tell me.” And he was in front of her. Just like that. One blink, and bam, hello, Fallen.
She shook her head. “You could try.” Now her laughter came, but it had a hard edge. “Do you really think you’re the first badass I’ve come across? I’m not easy to break.” Bruise, yes, but break? No.
Sam tilted his head to the right as he studied her. “Who tried to break you?” Anger hummed in the words.
You’re just like him. He’s burning, and you’ll burn, too. Only I can save you. Rogziel’s words pounded in her mind. How many times had he told her the same thing? Evil. Hell. Burn.
She’d been trapped with him for as long as she could remember. “I just want to be free,” she confessed, and this time, she was telling Sam the absolute truth.
His gaze hardened.
“I was supposed to kill you.” She could give him that much, here in the darkness. Alone on the street. “But I didn’t.”
He lifted his hand, stared at it, then looked back at her. “You truly don’t know what I can do.” Then he leaned closer. “Do you know how many angels there are?”
Hundreds. Thousands. She’d greedily absorbed every bit of angel lore and gossip that she’d ever heard over the years.
His hand slid down her arm, and a shiver skated over her skin. She was hypersensitive to him. So aware of his touch. His body.
Damn succubus blood. Sometimes, it just made her weak.
“I was an angel of death.”
She didn’t move. “You told me that already.” She’d never met another angel of death. Most people hadn’t. You only saw an angel of death when it was your time to die. The last visit was with the AOD.
“One touch.” The back of his hand slid over her skin. “And I kill.” His head lowered toward her, but he didn’t make the mistake of kissing her.
One kiss, and I can kill.
“You sure you want to push me?” His question was barely more than a growl.
Don’t let him see the fear. She lifted her chin. “You won’t kill me.” He’d had too many chances. “You need me. Right now, I’m your best bet for finding your brother.” She let another laugh roll free as she stared into his eyes. “So give me your word, Fallen, and let’s get this show on the road.”
His jaw hardened. “You’ll take me to Az?”
She nodded. “And when the time comes, you’ll owe me—so you do exactly what I say.” Having an angel of death at her command would be perfect. She’d love to see someone try to take down that particular guard dog.