Page 61 of Angel Of Darkness
The floral scent in the air deepened. The last thing I need now.
Keenan’s right hand clenched into a fist. “You should have stayed in the bar.”
“I’ll fuck you up, asshole.” Spittle flew from the redhead’s mouth, and the human pulled out a knife from his boot. “No one messes with Betty.”
“I think he means the truck,” Nicole explained.
The human screamed and came at him with that knife up.
He waited, waited, then Keenan just punched the human in the face. Down he went. Keenan shook his head. Would it have killed the man to stay inside and get just one more drink?
Nicole walked around and crouched next to the human. Her hands went to his chest.
“What are you doing?” Keenan demanded, voice hard. If she was planning on grabbing a drink...
She can drink from me.
Her hand lifted. She tossed him a set of keys. “No hot-wiring required.”
His fingers closed around the keys. Nice.
The doors near the entrance of the truck stop banged open. Ah. More company was heading their way. “Get in,” he said as his eyes narrowed.
She jumped into the vehicle. Nicole slid right over the broken glass and settled in the passenger seat. He shot in behind her. Keenan revved the engine, and even before the approaching truckers called out, obviously catching sight of the redhead’s slumped form, he and Nicole were racing out of the lot.
Nicole glanced behind them. “We can’t keep doing this. I want to stop and find a place to rest.”
Because it had been a hell of a day for both of them. He still didn’t know what had happened to her at that police station. She’d mentioned a taser
Her fingers slipped down his arm as she shifted closer to him. “Where can we go? Tell me you know a safe house around here.”
Safe from angels? And demons?
Was there such a place?
His gaze slipped to her. He’d find a place like that. She’d be safe. He’d make sure of it.
“I’m just spooked.” Her admission was soft. “That Sam, he said I’d suffer.”
No, she wouldn’t. Not while he was there.
But I wasn’t there when the cops took her.
He yanked his gaze from her and looked ahead at the road—just in time to see an angel fall from the sky. No, not fall, fly.
Strong black wings flapped in the night, coming closer, closer to the ground. And when the man—angel—landed in front of the truck, the highway seemed to buckle beneath his weight.
Keenan slammed on the brakes. The brakes squealed, and the truck fishtailed.
The angel’s knees had bent just a bit when he landed, and his head was bowed. As the truck flew toward him, he slowly lifted his head.
Bright blue eyes stared back at Keenan. Eyes that had seen everything the world had to offer—and found it lacking. Azrael had never been impressed with the humans and their lives.
Azrael. Az. Heaven’s big gun was down on earth—not good.
Az’s face was cold and hard. No emotion appeared on that stony visage. There was never any emotion from their kind.