Page 62 of Angel Of Darkness
The truck finally stopped less than two feet from Az. His wings stretched behind him as he straightened fully.
“Keenan!” Nicole grabbed his arm. “What’s happening? Why are we stopping?”
He knew she wouldn’t see the angel. Couldn’t. Not unless she was close to death. “We have company.” He didn’t take his gaze off the road. “Angel.”
“Those guys sure seem to drop in a lot.” The words were light, but her nails dug into him, and the hard rasp of her breath filled the truck’s interior.
“More than they should,” he agreed darkly as his hand grabbed the door handle.
But she didn’t let go of him. Her hold tightened. “What kind of angel?” Fear had trickled into her words. Smart woman. Angels weren’t always the good guys, not even close. No matter what the stories said, they could spill just as much blood as demons any day of the week.
He didn’t want to tell her this but... “He’s a death angel.” It was the wings that always gave them away. Guardians had white wings. Only death angels and punishers had wings of black because they dealt in despair.
He killed the engine and glanced at Nicole. Her narrowed eyes were on the road as she fought to see what she couldn’t. His stare followed hers. Az stared straight at the truck. No, he stared straight at Nicole, and there was no mistaking the intent in the angel’s eyes.
Keenan jumped out of the truck. He raced for his old mentor. “Stay away from her!” he yelled.
Az didn’t move. Not much had ever moved Azrael. Not pity. Not fear.
No emotion. Ever. He was the perfect death angel.
While Keenan knew he’d been lacking.
“I didn’t think you’d find your charge so quickly,” Az said, cocking his head slowly to the side. His voice was a strong rumble that filled the night.
Keenan tossed a fast glance over his shoulder. Nicole had started to edge out of the truck. “Stay back there!” he barked. “Don’t let him touch you!”
One touch was all that death needed. Since Nicole couldn’t see Az coming, she’d be helpless against a simple touch.
Keenan put his body between Az and Nicole. He didn’t want the angel so much as looking at her. “What are you doing here?”
Az blinked. “You know why I’m here.” He shrugged. “You know why I’m always here.”
“Death.” It was what they were. All they knew.
“Relax. Just because I’m here, it doesn’t mean she’s dying tonight.”
“No, she’s not.”
Az gazed at him with those glittering eyes. “But a soul will pass soon.”
Nicole’s soul. Fury had him stepping closer to Az. “Why?”
“The job was never finished,” Az said simply. Az wore clothes any mortal would possess—jeans, a white shirt. He could have passed for a human, if those giant black wings hadn’t been bursting right through the back of his conjured shirt. An angel could always conjure any clothing to fit over his wings.
“The job is over,” Keenan told him as he braced his body for attack.
Az didn’t move. “You know she’s marked for death.”
Keenan shook his head. “No. She lived that night. Fate changed.” He’d made it change.
“It’s not that easy, and you know it. You can’t just switch one soul for another. That’s not the way it works.”
“I didn’t fall...” Just to lose her.
Az watched him in silence. Then, after a moment, Az told him, “Her name’s in the book.”