Page 23 of My Tiny Giant
“Well, you’re not leading anyone right now, are you?” I snapped. “You’re being carried in my bra. Oh horror!” I gasped dramatically. “The mighty Lieutenant Drankai has been reduced to accepting help from a tiny, weak female.”
“It’s rather mean and unbecoming of you to mock my situation,” he sulked. “After you have forced your assistance on me, nevertheless.”
“Forced? I wonder what you would’ve done with me had the roles been reversed and I ended up as small as you are now. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have packed me into a pocket without letting me say a word, not to mention asking my opinion about the best way to rescue me.”
“It would’ve been a completely different situation. Women are supposed to be rescued.”
I only groaned in response, speechless.
What was I expecting from a man like Agan? A “thank you” would be obviously too much for him, since that would mean admitting he needed my help in the first place.
It bothered me that he’d been so much more forthcoming with his gratitude before he had learned I was a woman. I remained the same person he’d called “brother” before, but he was treating me differently now, simply because I was not the gender he’d expected.
“You know what,” I huffed, stomping ahead. “Complain all you want. Go ahead and report me for sexual harassment when we get back. At least this way, I’ll make sure you’ll get back to your base in one piece and live long enough to file all your reports.”
I nearly tripped over a slimy log on the jungle floor. Flaying my arms in the air, I grabbed onto a vine then carefully stepped over the log.
“What are you complaining about, anyway?” I muttered. “I have a cushy C cup, not too much to smother you in but with enough buffer to keep your fragile little self safe and comfy.” I climbed over the thick trunk of another fallen tree. “I’m the one who is doing all the work here. You just sit there and be quiet.”
Chapter 6
I REACHED THE CREEK , then walked along it for a couple of hours until it was time to take a break.
The moment I set Agan down on the bank of the creek, he headed for the trees.
“Where are you going?” I took a step after him.
He gave me a narrow-eyed look over his shoulder. “Bathroom break.”
“Stay close.” I fought the urge to follow him.
Worry vibrated through me. Against the backdrop of the tree trunks, he looked so tiny. A snake or a bird could easily get him. And those nasty worms? Apparently, they liked hanging out around this creek. In his current state, they’d look ginormous compared to him.
Did he really need to go that far? Guys could pee anywhere, couldn’t they? If he’d just done it right here by the tree trunk, I could at least keep an eye on him.
“Don’t go far,” I warned again, my concern rising higher as he disappeared into the jungle and out of my sight.