Page 75 of My Temptation
“You sure this is a good idea?”
She smiled at me and leaned into my side, but I knew why when I saw Truly looking back at us. “Nope.”
“Great.” I grinned, pretending this was exactly what I wanted to do. We followed them to a door at the end of the hallway, and I lowered my voice even more. “This the door?”
Her smile widened. “Yep.”
The man with Truly opened the door, and I expected to see a room, but I saw a staircase. He turned to look at me before muttering, “Close the door behind you.”
I jerked up my chin and pulled it closed after Mila and I walked down a step. She squeezed my hand while we continued down the stairs. We stepped off the final one and faced the room, but all I could see was the bar until we walked farther into the room. Past the bar was an area that looked identical to the one upstairs, but a curtain hung toward the back. We walked right up to the curtain, and Truly glanced over her shoulder at us with a smile before shoving the curtain to the side and walking through.
“Holy shit,” I muttered but was careful to keep my expression neutral.
Truly turned to face us but focused only on Mila. “Didn’t I tell you this was the place to be?”
Mila smiled and gestured behind us. “You were right. We’re gonna grab something from the bar.”
“Okay.” Truly winked. “We’ll find you in a little bit.”
Mila squeezed my hand, and we pushed back through the curtain before I took a deep breath and lowered my head. “What the fuck is going on down here?”
We stepped to the side when someone needed to go through the curtain, and she looked up at me. “Some kind of BDSM thing, I think, but I didn’t get a great look. I wanted to give us a chance to regroup before we go in there.” She frowned. “BDSM isn’t illegal if it’s consensual, so something more is going on behind that curtain. We need to get drinks and get our asses back in there.”
“Did you tell her we’re into this shit?”
“She’s drunk. I just nodded along while she talked, but I couldn’t make much sense of it. I did tell her we weren’t swingers, but we liked to watch other people.” She raised her eyebrows slightly. “We're voyeurs.”
“Great.” I shook my head and ordered two beers when the bartender made his way over to us.
“I thought it was better than being swingers like Truly and her boyfriend are,” she replied quietly.
“It is,” I agreed, knowing there was no way in hell I’d go along with that shit.
She grinned and leaned against my arm. “Something tells me you don’t share.”
I didn’t return her grin because the idea of watching her fuck someone else had my blood pressure skyrocketing. “I don’t.”
Pulling my attention from her, I laid down a twenty-dollar bill for the bartender and picked up our bottles. Handing her one, I motioned to the curtain. “Let’s do this and get the hell out of here.”
She nodded, her expression serious until we turned to face the room, and she forced a smile on her lips. We made our way to the curtain and pushed it open, but as we walked farther, I described exactly what was happening on the bed in the middle of the room when we opened that curtain. “Great, we get to watch a big, hairy guy wearing leather wristbands and nothing else get whipped on a bed.”
Looking around, I was in awe that the crowd of people on the other side of that curtain were dressed and acting normally while not twenty feet from them, people were having sex. It wasn’t my thing. I didn’t give a shit what other people were into if it was consensual, but I sure as hell didn’t want to watch it.
And there was no way in hell I would participate. We could get the shit we needed in a different way.
With my hand still wrapped around Mila’s, I followed and kept my eyes locked on her as she found us a couch to sit on so we could watch the show. I kept her hand in mine, pretending to watch the couple in the middle of the room, but I scanned the people around us. Most had various pieces of clothing removed. Some were having sex, and some were just watching, but it was easy to see we looked out of place.
“We need to do something.” Mila was obviously seeing what I saw, so she stood and turned to climb onto my lap to face me. She sat on my knees and leaned in close so only I heard her when she talked. “We need to look involved, so just follow my lead, okay?”
I nodded but couldn’t resist asking, “How the hell do you know what to do in this place?”
Something flashed through her eyes before she cleared it. I couldn’t say for sure, but it seemed like she was remembering something painful. “When I was undercover, I spent a lot of time in places like this. Well”—she hesitated—“not exactly like this. There wasn’t BDSM, but public sex and nudity were a nightly occurrence. I was also a stripper, so I saw a lot behind the scenes. The most important thing to do is look involved. That way, they aren’t suspicious, and they leave you alone.”
“Was Nick with you?” I asked, concerned that she was alone in these fucking places.
“Sometimes.” She shrugged. “It was better when he was. Motorcycle clubs have a rule that as long as a woman is involved with an MC member, she’s off-limits.”
“Did they abide by that?”