Page 76 of My Temptation
She smiled sadly. “Most of the time.”
I studied her closely, hating the pain I recognized in her eyes. “What happened to you in there?”
Her expression softened. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me,” I replied, squeezing her hips.
She looked around before meeting my stare again. “I don’t think this is the place to share that story.”
She was right, but I had a feeling if we weren’t in this environment and forced to be close, she wouldn’t share at all. “Will you tell me later?”
She laid her hand on my chest. “Let’s just focus on this right now.”
That was a no. She didn’t want to talk about it, but I had a feeling she needed to.
“Besides”—she grinned—“if we’re chatting, we’ll miss the show.”
I wasn’t letting her off the hook, but she was right; this wasn’t the place. Glancing over her shoulder, I saw someone along the back wall with eyes on the couple on the bed. Studying him closely, I squeezed Mila’s hip again. “He’s here.”
I shifted my attention to her and noticed her eyes had widened. “Samson?”
“Yeah.” I glanced in his direction again. “By the back wall. He’s watching the show.”
Sliding down my thighs, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her cheek against mine. She was pretending to also watch the couple on the bed, but I knew she had eyes on him. “He keeps glancing at the door beside him. Do you think he’s waiting for someone?”
“No idea, but I’m starting to feel like there’s always going to be another door to another room that we need to find to get the truth.”
“Me too,” she whispered.
I kept my eyes locked on the bed in the middle of the room, but my focus was on Kevin Samson and the door directly behind him. We sat like that for a while, pretending to watch the couple on the bed having sex, but I couldn’t tell you what they were doing. And I didn’t care. I wanted to know why the hell Samson seemed to be guarding that door. With all of my attention on that room, I noticed something that sent a chill up my spine.
“Have you noticed how many men are going into that room?”
She ran her nose along my cheek and lowered her voice. “Yeah, and the one girl who went in seemed young and either drunk or high.”
“Shit,” I cursed quietly. “He’s looking our way.”
I swallowed hard when she ran her hand over my chest and adjusted herself so her lips could skim my cheek. When her mouth touched my ear, my body roared to life. Any control I’d had was gone with her lips on me, and all I could do was feel. She rocked her hips so her body fit perfectly against mine, and I groaned. I didn’t try to conceal it this time. I couldn’t, not with her being in a position to torment me.
“Is he still looking at us?”
I had no idea. I wasn’t even looking at him anymore. I was so lost in Mila that the entire room could go up in flames, and I’m not sure I’d even notice.
Blinking my eyes slowly, I looked toward Samson. “Yeah.”
“Do you trust me?” she whispered in my ear.
I closed my eyes, knowing that could only mean she was about to do something I would question. I trusted her, and she knew that. I think she liked to ask as a way of telling me she would take this further than she thought I’d be comfortable with, and she was usually right. I appreciated the heads-up, but I followed her into this sex den without question, which only proved I’d follow her anywhere.
“You know I do,” I replied honestly.
She skimmed her lips along my cheek until she could lay them against my own. “Keep an eye on him. Stop me when he looks away.”
With her on my lap and her lips on mine, there wasn’t a chance in hell I would stop her.