Page 48 of Necessary Evil
Lucy blinked at Ryder. She was right. Lenny could potentially get disbarred for moral turpitude. But it was a long shot. Still, she was going to report him, and the bar association could take it from there.
“Don’t be causing any trouble for me,” Minx said. “I need a lawyer.”
Lucy fumbled into her purse and pulled out a card. “I’m a public defender. I also do pro bono work. You can come to me. Lenny shouldn’t be using your services as payment.”
“Pro bono means free, right?” Minx squinted at the card.
“Yes. It’s my job to provide legal counsel to people who can’t afford it.”
“You got any more of those cards?” Minx looked around. “Because I’m not the only one that has to do favors for Lenny.”
Lucy gave her a handful.
Minx stuffed them into her little purse. “You tell Warden that his fine ass gets a discount.”
“I certainly will,” Ryder said with a straight face.
As Minx sauntered away, Lucy said, “I’m going to go back up there. With this information, they don’t have to do anything illegal.”
“Lucy,” Evan called from the top of the stairs just then, “can you come here? Attorney Meyers has something to say to you.”