Page 49 of Necessary Evil
Chapter 11
As he started up the Harley, Evil wished Lucy was on the back of his bike with her arms wrapped around him. He’d be tempted to take them far away, out of her jurisdiction and away from his responsibilities. Even if it was just for one night. But she was spooked enough as it was after Meyers had done a complete one-eighty and said he would file the paperwork to withdraw from Chloe’s case and recommend Lucy as new counsel.
He saw Lucy look for bruises, and her hands shook when she took the few legal papers Meyers had on the case. She didn’t quite flinch away from Evil’s hand when he put it on her back to guide her down the stairs, but she was rattled.
The wind kicked up, and he wished he had a bandana or something protecting his face. But it wasn’t a long ride, and when he pulled around the back of his bar, he signaled to her to follow him. Evil parked the bike and sat there until she pulled into the spot next to him. Sentinel and the rest of them parked out front.
Evil looked at her through her window. She had been thinking on the drive. He could tell by the way she was chewing on her lip. If Lucy had been on the back of his bike, she wouldn’t be trying to talk herself out of this.
When she climbed out of her car, he asked, “Second thoughts, Counselor?” As if he’d let her walk away from him tonight.
She closed her car door and followed him up the back stairs to his apartment. “And third, and fourth. But I’m here.”
“I’m glad.” He ushered her inside before she could change her mind. Locking the door behind them, he leaned against the wall and enjoyed the sight of her in his place.
“You’ve changed things around in here.” Lucy was looking everywhere but at him. She was nervous but trying not to show it. She was going to run if he didn’t stop her brain from reminding her what a bad idea this was. He had to remind her body why this was a good idea.
Kissing her was as natural and as necessary as breathing. Lucy eventually relaxed against him as things heated up between them.
That’s it, just like that.
His hard-on was threatening to rip out of his jeans. Lucy kissed with her entire body, and he appreciated the enthusiasm. Unbuttoning her pristine white blouse, Evil slid it off her creamy shoulders, all the while kissing her like she was water in the desert. Tossing off his vest, he broke the kiss to pull his T-shirt over his head.
Lucy screamed, and not in a good way. It was a bloodcurdling sound, full of terror, and it primed every protective instinct in him.
“What’s wrong?” He whirled behind him to see if she saw an intruder, wondering if he could get to the pistol on his ankle in time. But there was nothing there.
She backed away, the fear in her eyes chilling him.
“Lucy, talk to me.”
“I can’t.” She pointed to him, then put her hand over her face. “I’m sorry.”
Panic gripped him when she started to sob. “It’s all right. Please, don’t cry. Nothing has to happen if you don’t want it to.” What the ever-living shit is going on?
“That’s the damn problem,” she shrieked. “I fucking want to, but…” She pointed at him again. No, not him. His chest.
“You have to spell it out for me, honey. I’m not that bright. What’s going on?”
Boots pounded up the stairs from the bar, and before he could shout out that all was cool, his door flew open.
“Do all of you kick open doors?” Lucy asked faintly when Sentinel came in high with a Desert Eagle in his hand and Ryder came in low with a Glock.
“It’s all right. At ease, for fuck’s sake,” Evil said, glaring down the wide grin on Ryder’s face when Lucy waved at them with her shirt clasped to her chest.
As they put their weapons away, Sentinel couldn’t hide his smirk either. “Sorry, Evil. Just not used to a woman screaming up here.”
“Really?” Lucy said, which made the two jokers grin like they were in a toothpaste commercial.
“Get the fuck out,” Evil said.
“We’re going.” Ryder gave him a thumbs-up when Lucy wasn’t looking. Evil gave her a death-ray stare in return—he was going to go for his own pistol in a minute. Fuckers.
Sentinel hadn’t done any permanent damage to the door, but the lock was shot to shit. Oh well. He turned and half expected to see Lucy out the door and sprinting for her car. But she just hugged herself and rubbed her bare arms for comfort.
“Can you tell me what set you off like that?” he asked.
“I’m so embarrassed.” Lucy hung her head. “But you can’t blame me. You didn’t have that the last time I saw you without your shirt.”