Page 66 of Necessary Evil
“Wait,” Lucy said, her hands out.
“Go back inside,” Evan said. “This is between me and my woman.”
The man stopped and sagged. “Honey, you can do better.” He shook his head. “None of my business.”
“That’s fucking right,” Evan snarled.
“Shut the fuck up or I’ll call the cops. Some people have to get up in the morning.” The man slammed the door behind him.
Bobby had picked himself off the ground during that exchange and cradled his middle. “Okay, so refresh my memory, sis. These are the good guys?”
“Yeah. Sometimes.” She glared at Sentinel, who glared back. “Evan, this is my brother, Bobby.”
“Bobby Simmons?” Evan gritted out.
Bobby snorted. “Bobby Bradford. Simmons is her married name.”
“I don’t fucking believe this.” Sentinel stormed off to his bike.
“What’s his problem?” Lucy said, hurrying over to help her brother to his feet now that Evan had let her go.
Sentinel started his bike and roared out of the parking lot.
“Maybe he’s jealous of me and Jenny,” Bobby said with a smirk.
“I doubt it.” Lucy shook her head. “Anyway, I’m sorry this got off on the wrong foot. Evan was who I called when I thought there was a Pyro in the parking lot stalking me. They must have thought you had abducted me or something.”
“Or something,” Evan said.
He was still glaring daggers at Bobby, who was oblivious. Bobby just rubbed his stomach. “Well, I’m going to bed. This was a wonderful way to end a shitty day. Tell Sentinel he hits like a girl.”
“I’ll do that,” Lucy said wearily. “Within Ryder’s hearing, of course.”
“Yeah, whoever the hell that is. See ya tomorrow, sis.” Bobby went into his room.
She almost envied him the nice long sleep he was going to have. She looked at her car and wanted to cry. “I can’t drive. I’m so fucking tired.”
“Get on the back of my bike.”
“How am I going to get to work tomorrow?” she asked, horrified that she was so close to tears.
“I’ll take you.”
“But what about the car?”
“Give the keys to your brother and he can drop it off at your office.”
That sounded good. She knocked on her brother’s door.
“What now?” he snapped.
“Here’s the rental.” Lucy handed him the keys. “Evan’s going to take me home. Bring it when you come for breakfast.”
Lucy was glad she was wearing a pants suit. When she was settled on the seat, he said, “Put your arms around me.”
That didn’t sound so bad.