Page 67 of Necessary Evil
Not bad at all. She was snuggled up to the back of his jacket. Resting her cheek on him, her eyes fluttered closed.
“Hang on,” he said, and the big Harley roared to life.
Her eyes opened wide. It was freaking loud.
“Lean into the turns. Don’t fidget around. And trust me. Be one with the bike.”
“That sounds a little too New Agey for me.” Lucy yawned.
“Put this on.” He handed her a helmet from one of the saddlebags.
What the hell, her hair was all messed up anyway. Better that than having her brains smashed open if they crashed. That was a lovely thought. “You’re going to go slow, right?”
“Did I go slow for our first time?”
Oh my.Suddenly she wasn’t so tired anymore. He revved the engine one more earsplitting time and then took off like a shot through the parking lot. It felt like they were going over a hundred miles per hour, but a quick peek at the speedometer showed they were only doing thirty-five. The bike bucked a bit as he went into the next gear but then mellowed out when they got on the highway.
The rumbling of the bike between her legs, the crisp night air in her face, and holding on to Evan all made for an unexpected pleasure. She smelled leather and the wind, and for a moment everything was perfect. Hugging him tighter, she closed her eyes, letting go of all control, and put her safety in his hands.