Page 49 of Sentinel's Kiss
What the serious fuck? Ashley was no longer mad at Josh; now she wanted to kiss him.
“I’ve heard good things about the staff here,” Josh said.
“Maybe we can hear good things about your staff?”
“Count on it.” Josh sighed. “Well, I’ve got to go. The boss lady’s on a timetable.”
“I’ll be here. Weekends. You look me up if you need anything.”
“I will.”
Josh almost hit her with the door since she was pressed against it. She didn’t say anything until they got to the Jeep.
“Please tell me you hit RECORD on your phone and got all that,” Ashley said.
Josh shook his head. “No, but at least now we’ve got a connection between some of the victims’ husbands. They were all seeing the same prostitute.”
“Can we nail Reynolds for this?”
“Doubt it. He probably knows and approves of it and I wouldn’t doubt he’s getting a cut of the profits. We need to take a look at his financials again, but it’s probably all under the table.”
“How did you know?”
“She wasn’t wearing scrubs. Sarah lived in her sensible white shoes and comfortable pants and tunics. Sarah wouldn’t even wear that getup for Halloween. If you want to try to pin a prostitution ring on Reynolds, see if Leslie actually has a nursing degree.”
“Unfortunately, none of this helps Sarah or the rest of the women to know that their husbands were cheating pieces of shit.”
“It does if we can figure out who would kill them because of it.”
“I need a drink and some apple fritters.”
“Let’s go.”
Ashley punched him in the arm.
“What was that for?”
“Flirting with the naughty nurse.”
Josh sighed. “You know it was an act.”
“Let’s see how you react when I start flirting with an interviewee.”
“Like, ‘Gee, Mr. Reynolds, tell me all about that hazing,’ ” he said in a giggly falsetto. “If that piece of shit undressed you with his eyes one more time, I was going to punch him in the mouth.”
Leaning over, she kissed him on the cheek.
“What was that for?”
“Good answer.”