Page 74 of Sentinel's Kiss
Chapter 17
The rest of the day passed in an exhausting blur of tantrums, laughter, and mindless television. Jeremy came back during dinner. He did a double take at Josh cutting up Maya’s hot dog. Ashley was trying to clean up Logan while he ate his fruit salad. The watermelon was making a spectacular mess.
“What the hell are you doing here? Where’s Layla?” he asked.
Uh-oh.Ashley shot Josh a warning look. She’d handle this.
“Daddy!” Maya screeched and ran over to him for a hug.
“She went out,” Ashley said. “She said she told you.”
Jeremy frowned and pulled out his phone. “Damn, I must have had the ringer turned off. Two o’clock? She’s been gone since then?”
“Yeah,” Ashley said dryly. “We’re not expecting her back for a while either. She deserves it. But I’m going to cut you a break and stay here while you take a shower and have some dinner.”
“Hot dog and mac and cheese?” Josh offered.
Jeremy sank down at the kitchen table. “Sounds good.”
About an hour later they put Logan to bed, and after a few stories, Maya let Josh go without a battle.
“Maybe we can ease Dad into this,” Jeremy said to her at the door, wincing as Josh started up the Jeep.
“He’s a good guy,” she said.
“There’s something about him.” Jeremy shook his head. “He’s complicated.”
“You’ve seen my interview of him, right? About his sister.”
Ashley punched him. “You’re an asshole. I watch all of your broadcasts.”
“I haven’t been in a place with very good cable or Internet connections.”
“Well, you have no excuse now. I’ve got a taped broadcast tonight at eight. Make sure you watch.” Ashley waggled her finger at him.
“Just be careful,” Jeremy said, hugging her.
After stopping at the liquor store, Josh took her back to her apartment.
“Do you want to come up?” she asked.
“Up, down, to the side, inside you. All of the above.” He kissed her. “You did great today.”
“It’s getting easier,” Ashley admitted. “Being with you helped. You were amazing.”
He shrugged. “It was fun. Exhausting, and I really need a beer, but in a good way for a change.”
She held his hand as they walked into her apartment. Tasha, dressed in Ashley’s blue dress, was just on her way out.
“I’ll be at Chad’s tonight,” she said, giving Josh a small smile.
“I think she’s starting to hate me less,” he said after she left.
“You grow on people,” Ashley said, handing him a beer and putting the rest in the fridge.
“Like mold.” Josh flopped down on the couch and kicked off his boots.