Page 89 of Sentinel's Kiss
“I don’t think he’ll answer his phone, but we can try.”
Josh pulled off at the next exit and stopped at a gas station. She walked away from the pump, glad to stretch her legs, and tried the numbers Stan called her from. She wasn’t surprised that one had been disconnected, and that the other one rang and rang until a recording came on saying that the voicemail hadn’t been set up.
She shook her head. “No luck. He said he was going to lie low until he felt his life was no longer in danger.”
“Well, let me know if you talk to him.”
“I think you’re fantastic for offering to bury the hatchet.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.
He gave a sexy half laugh when she reluctantly pulled away from him. “Where are you going?”
She got on the back of his bike. “Home with you.”
Her phone rang and she saw it was her parents’ number just as Josh started the bike. “Hold up for a second,” she said. “I want to get this.”
After she hopped off, she answered the call. “Hi.”
“Where are you?” Jeremy asked.
“I’m on my way home from work.”
“This late?”
“Josh and I went out for Chinese.”
He grunted. “Are you bringing me back anything?”
“Sorry,” she said. “We ate all the food in Queens. There’s nothing left. It’s a national shortage. How’s Dad doing?”
“Good. He may be coming home tomorrow afternoon.”
“That’s great,” Ashley said, “but isn’t that a little early?”
“You know how he is. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that he’ll want to see you.”
“I’ll be there.”
“Do me a favor?”
“What?” she asked, suspicious.
“Leave Josh home.”
“Jeremy,” she warned.
“Just until Dad is feeling better.”
“Fine,” Ashley grumbled. “But I’m really getting serious about him, so everyone is just going to have to suck it up and deal with his loud motorcycles, his flashy tattoos, and his—” She cut herself off.
“His what?”
Bad attitude.Fine ass. Big cock. Talented tongue. All of the above.
“Nothing. Never mind. I’ll see you tomorrow. Give everyone hugs and kisses.”
She hung up on her brother and got back on the bike.
“Everything all right?” Josh asked as they got back on the highway.