Page 29 of Twin Warriors
“Yes. Ice and I bought the grounds this compound stands on from an old farmer and began building this place. Over the years, more and more males left the military and found us, hoping to have a place with us here. Not just Arusians but many different races came to us. Many species use enhancements on their males to make better fighters. We took those the military didn’t want any more. The broken, defective, unwanted and hunted.”
“Is that how you met Cane and Cole? Through the military?”
He shook his head, “No. I had heard of them during my service but had never met them. After Ice and I had been settled here for almost twenty years, two Arusian twins returned kidnapped prisoners to their homes on Mura. I knew who they were. Twins in my race are very rare, and even more so with enhancements. I had heard that they had left the military after their father passed, so I offered them a place here, with us.”
“Is Ice still here?”
A dark shadow moved over Iron’s face, anger pulling at his brow.
“No. She is missing, along with six of my warriors. We have been searching for them for the last two weeks but have found nothing to tell us what happened to them.”
“Oh God,” Amy breathed. “What happened?”
“My Ice is a warrior at heart. She was part of a team that went to the desert in search of one of the many prisoner convoys that left the city. The one Ice searched for had taken thirty children from the city orphanage. We lost contact with the team two weeks ago.”
The pain and worry she saw in Iron’s eyes made something inside her break. She had to help him. Despite how she felt about him at first, Iron was a good man. They all were. They did what they could to help those that lived in the city and protected the weak. She couldn’t sit back and let Ice and the others suffer the way she had over those long weeks in the convoy. Not only that but the idea that children were being treated like that made her feel sick with rage.
No, she thought, I can’t let this happen. Not when I know I can help.
“Iron,” she said, getting his attention. When he met her eyes again Amy stepped closer and placed a hand on his warm, metal arm.
“I’m going to help you find them.”
He gave her a sad smile. “I appreciate your offer, Amy, but I have dozens of males searching the desert already.”
“An extra set of eyes won’t hurt,” she said but thought, or three.
“It’s too dangerous for you in the desert. This planet is harsh with its two suns and creatures of the night. I have already lost three warriors to the night beasts; I will not put your life at risk as well. You are too important to all of us now.”
“I know exactly how dangerous the desert can be, Iron. I spent five weeks in one of those prisoner convoys. A convoy that was later attacked by a pack of night beasts. Every single person was torn apart. I only survived because I was out cold underneath the dead body of a fellow prisoner. I then spent the next two weeks walking aimlessly through the sands. I almost died out there. I know just how bad it can be.”
She realized the moment she had said too much. Iron stiffened, his eyes narrowing, and a calculating look filled his eyes.
“How did you survive?”
Thinking quickly, she said, “I don’t know. I passed out in the sand and woke up in the forest. I never saw who saved me.”
She had to lower her eyes so he wouldn’t see the lie in them. He must have either believed her, or chose not to say anything, because he let out a long breath then said, “If you wish to help, then you may. However, I have one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“Cane and Cole will be with you. They will accompany you into the sands.”
She bit her lip, thinking. Maybe this was good. If she was alone with them, she could try and explain her life and her companions to them without the fear of the entire base coming down on them in a fiery wrath. If she could convince them that Emi and Tope were not dangerous, that they were not evil or bad, like everyone thought, then maybe, just maybe, they could all find a home here.
“Fine,” Amy finally said, nodding, “But I need to go back to the cave alone first. I promise, I won't be there long. When I get back, Cane, Cole and I can head out and begin the search.”
He tilted his head to the side with a frown as he studied her.
“You are not afraid?”
“Hmm. Perhaps it is best if I join you in your search. I would like to see why you are so confident.”
Again, the idea of having Iron there to speak to also made sense. It was his home, his compound after all, so they would need him to be on their side if this was going to work.
“Fine. Give me two hours at the cave. After that, we can head out into the desert.”