Page 36 of Twin Warriors
“Cole, Cane… I’m sorry for the way I ran off earlier.”
They both stepped closer, each taking one of her hands into theirs. “I am the one who needs to apologize, Amy,” Cane spoke softly, “You should never be on the receiving end of my anger. I swear to you, I will never let you see that side of me again.”
She smiled at him, “It’s okay to get angry, Cane. I understand all this better now. I may not know either of you at all, but deep down, I just know you would never hurt me.”
“Never, Sila.”
She turned to Cole, “Are you okay?”
He smiled at her, “I am now that you have returned.”
“We have a lot to talk about, and it’s going to take time for us to get to know each other and understand who and what we are, but I want this to work. I want you to know that even when I act crazy, I’m still here,” She released their hands and placed a palm to each of their chests, “I’m going to do my best to make this work. A wise female recently told me that it won’t be easy, and that it will take time, but that if it is written, then it's meant to be. If the two of you are sure about this relationship, about it being the three of us, then I am willing to make it work. I will warn you though, I have never done the threesome thing, so be patient.”
Cane began to chuckle, making Cole smile. She had no idea how deeply her words affected them. How powerful her acceptance of the situation was? He would need to find this wise female and thank her personally for helping Amy understand.
“We have never done anything like this before either, Amy. We will need to learn together. As long as you are close, we will figure it out.”
She smiled wider, rising onto her toes to give Cane a soft, brief kiss on the lips. When she turned to him, Cole yanked her close and pressed a hard, desire filled kiss to her lips, filled with a promise of what would come… soon.
Cane’s deep, low groan told him that his brother had caught the flash of his thoughts that ran through his mind and agreed. Once this was over, they were going to use every skill they possessed to make sure she never wanted to leave again.
Two hours later, Cane, Cole, Amy, and Iron were flying over the barren sands of the desert. Iron and Cane sat at the controls, while Cole and Amy sat in the back, speaking quietly.
He knew that Cane wanted to spend time with Amy as well, but at the moment they had a mission to focus on. Cole would give his brother the time alone with her when they returned, to allow them to bond. For now, he relished in having her all to himself.
“Do you only have one sister?” Cole asked. Amy had been telling him about her life on her planet before she was taken by the Korok’s.
“Yeah. Sam is younger than me by two years, but she has her life far more in control than I did. She was just finishing medical school when I was taken. We were meant to meet at the cabin to celebrate with two of our closest friends that weekend.”
“Do you miss her?”
“So much. Sam and I were close growing up and were more like best friends than bickering sisters. God, she must be so worried about me. I don’t even know how long I’ve been gone. I was asleep on the Korok’s ship after they took me, so I don’t know how long I was missing. For all I know, she could be old and grey by now.”
“From what we know about the Korok’s, they have a lifespan of around two hundred Mura years. I am not sure how long a year on your planet is, but they would not have kept you asleep for too long as it would not be profitable for them to keep a prisoner in suspended animation for an extended period of time. I can have Roam, the technical master on the compound search for your planet if you want.”
Amy smiled up at him, tears shimmering in her eyes. “You would do that for me?”
He bent, placing a soft kiss to her lips, “I would do anything for you, Amy. If it will make you happy, then you can consider it done.”
“But-” She stopped herself with a frown, shaking her head as she looked away.
“But what?”
“Nothing,” She mumbled, lowering her gaze to the floor.
“Amy,” he said, waiting until she met his eyes again, “Sooner or later you are going to have to tell us some of the secrets you hide. I won’t push you for answers, but there are things we need to know. Things that involve more than just you, me and Cane.”
Her eyes went wide as a hint of panic filled her gaze.
“Like what?”
“Like how you were able to get in and out of the compound without being seen. We didn’t know we had a thief until yesterday.”
A small grin played on her lips as a twinkle filled her eyes.
“Maybe it's a problem with your security.”
He narrowed his eyes at her, even as a smile spread over his lips. “The Iron compound has the most advanced security system on the planet, Amy. Not only that, but it's filled with warriors that have excellent senses. It’s definitely not a problem with our security. You, my little Sila, have a secret that I am dying to know.”