Page 37 of Twin Warriors
“What does that mean? I’ve heard you and Cane call me that before.”
She nodded.
“It's an endearment. On our home planet, calling a female Sila means that the male sees her above all else. Above duty to the command, above friends, above everything, even their own life.”
“Is that how you feel about me? Honestly?”
“Why would you doubt it?”
“You guys don’t know me at all. How do you know that I'm not some crazy serial killer or something?”
Cole laughed. A deep, genuine rumble that echoed through the craft.
Amy slapped his chest playfully and rolled her eyes. “It could be true, you know. Women are capable of all kinds of stuff.”
“Yes they are. But you, my little Sila, do not have a malicious muscle in your perfect little body.”
He loved to watch the color flood her cheeks at his words. He would never grow tired of seeing her blush, nor would he ever get enough of seeing her look at him the way she was looking at him now. There was a deep, burning desire in her gaze that was amplified by the sweet, intoxicating scent of her arousal filling the small space.
When Cane groaned from the front seat, sending Cole visions of him beating his ass to the sands for making his cock hard at the scent while he couldn’t do anything about it, Cole laughed more.
“What's so funny?” Amy asked, glaring up at him with narrowed eyes.
“Cane has a very big imagination.”
When she frowned up at him in confusion, he realized that they had never told her about the connection they shared.
“Cane and I are linked in more ways than we told you about. We can sense each other's emotions, see what we are thinking and even speak to each other in our minds.”
She spun in her seat to gawk at him with her mouth open. “You two are telepaths? Can you read my mind?”
“No. We can only connect to each other, not others. It’s bad enough having Cane’s thoughts in my head most of the time, I think I would go crazy if I could read what others were thinking as well.”
She watched him for a moment, her mind clearly working. He loved how expressive her face was. She showed all her thoughts, her emotions, and fears for everyone to see. He doubted she even realized she was doing it most of the time. He wouldn’t tell her. He liked that he could see what she was feeling.
“I give you my word, Amy, I cannot read your thoughts.”
“You better not. You might not like what you find.”
Even though she was joking, he still felt the bitter taste of suspicion burn his gut. What would he find in the shadows of her mind? What was it that she was hiding?
Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, Cole tried to focus on learning more about their mate.
“What of your mother and father?” He asked.
Sadness filled Amy’s eyes as she gave him a pain filled smile. “They died in a plane crash two years ago. They were on their way to Mexico - that's a country on my planet - for their anniversary. They never got there. The… transport they were on had engine failure and crashed into the desert, killing all sixty-three people on board.”
“I’m sorry. You must miss them as well.”
“I do. I would have loved to introduce you and Cane to them. They were the most open minded and understanding people I knew. They would have loved you guys.”
“I would have liked to meet them as well.”
“What about you? Is it just you and Cane?”
“Yes. Giving birth to us killed our mother. Our father insisted we live, having paid a fortune for us to be enhanced from birth. As a mated male, he would never be able to have more children and he wanted heirs to his empire. He passed a long time ago. When Cane and I inherited all his wealth, we left the military and left Arusia. Now, all that wealth is used to help run the compound.”