Page 44 of Twin Warriors
Amy slipped out of his arms before he could stop her and went over to the huge beast, grabbing its face in her hands and placing a hard, loud kiss to its snout. Cane just stared as the male snarled, showing his huge fangs at Amy and shook its head.
Amy laughed, wrapping her arms around its neck.
“Thank you for helping us today, Tope.” Her voice had turned serious, filled with the same worry he heard before.
“I will always protect you, Amy. Always.”
The way the beast looked at him when he said that made a shiver run up Cane’s spine. There had been very few things in Cane’s life that scared him. The madness scared him, the sight of Amy’s small body in the jaws of the beast earlier had terrified him. But the promise in the beast's voice now had his heart racing.
When Amy finally pulled away from the beast, he pulled her back into his arms and held her tight to his body. He watched as the beasts moved past them, heading towards the fire in the center of their camp.
“Trak!” Iron growled out, before the soft sound of the beasts laughing in his head was heard.
Amy shook her head, turning in his arms to face him.
“I think we should go to the campfire. Iron will want to know this story and I don't feel like telling it over and over again.”
He bent, placing a soft, gentle kiss to her lips.
“You are my Sila, Amy. You are my everything. I do not care what you are, or what mystical powers you possess, I will never feel different about you. I want you to know that. I want you to know that you can tell me the truth, no matter what it is, and I will always stand by your side. I’m sorry that I made you think I was afraid of you. You shocked me that is all.”
“When I saw the look in yours and Cole’s eyes, I thought you would never forgive me. I never want to see you look at me like that again, Cane. It tore me apart inside to think I might have lost you.”
“Never, Amy. Never.”
With one last kiss, he led her back to the fire. Iron stood watching the two beasts wearily as they lay down by the fire, curling together as though this was their home.
Amy went over to them, sitting down beside Emi and rested her back against the huge body.
When she smiled up at him and reached a hand out for him to join her, Cane had to physically force his body to move. He lowered himself beside her, easing back to rest against the large, solid chest of the male beast. Amy crept in closer to him and rested her head on his chest.
Iron just stared at them with wide eyes.
“It’s okay, Iron, they won’t hurt you.”
He didn’t move.
Amy shook her head, flicking out a finger at Iron. Cane watched the thin stream of black ooze shoot off her finger and wrap around Iron’s neck, morphing into a thin metal chain.
“What the trak!” he barked out.
Cane grinned. Looks like his friend was about to find out what it's like having a voice in his head.
“Iron, sit down. I need to tell you what's going on.”
“What is this?” he asked, pulling at the chain to get it off but failing to break the links.
He frowned at it after pulling on it with all his enhanced strength.
After a moment, he gave up trying. When he was sure it wasn’t going to strangle him, Iron sat down on the sand and stared at Amy over the small flames.
“I better start at the beginning,” Amy spoke, running a gentle hand over his chest as she told them the story of what happened to her.
“After the attack on the convoy, I walked through the desert for days. I was sure I would die. There was no hope for me at all. It was just sand everywhere.”
“Is that when the stranger saved you?” Iron asked.
Amy blushed and shook her head. “No. I lied about that. I’m sorry. There was no stranger, Iron. My body gave up fighting. I collapsed on the dune and rolled. I’m not sure what happened after that, but I remember a voice asking me to accept them. I know now that it was Kisma talking to me.”